Ok guys today I did my last loop. Im going to stop using DMSI. I sucessfely ignored Shannons warning that this isnt good in relationship and that is true. I constantly getting thoughts about other womans , about breaking up from my relationship... Even tho my relationship its not great as I would want it to be and for sure it will die someday, but its not worth it for some short term sex to disolve it in this period of my life.I dont wanna to entangle myself with this kind of situations.... Another reason is that in this period of my life , I need to be focusing on other areas on my life , and on inner self development and not chasing varieties of pussy, its tempting but its not important.Also another reason is that I getting huge resistances cuz of my relationship... Sometimes I have one big chaos in my head from up mentioned things. I m gonna miss self eastem self confidence module from this and I would like to have that or something similiar in future as standalone subliminal. We have absolute self confidence old tech , and also Self eastem old tech too so it would be great to have something like that in this new powerfull 5,8 g technology. So far Im gonna wait some days , and then go OF v3 again, and wait some new goodies that mr. Shannom will make. Thanks for help and I hope this journal, mostly Shannons responses will be helpful for guys that are looking for informations about DMSI.
Edit : cherry on the end. todays morning I went to deal with some matters at our works office. There was woman hepling me with that and I imediately started to banter with her, seduce her pick up on her. I made dealing with office paperwork to possitive and funny event. She was flipping her hair , coretcting her clothes I was feeling that sexual tension. When I got out from office I was sad that I didint ask for her nubmer even thought my GF was messaging me from morning with lovely messages....
Edit : cherry on the end. todays morning I went to deal with some matters at our works office. There was woman hepling me with that and I imediately started to banter with her, seduce her pick up on her. I made dealing with office paperwork to possitive and funny event. She was flipping her hair , coretcting her clothes I was feeling that sexual tension. When I got out from office I was sad that I didint ask for her nubmer even thought my GF was messaging me from morning with lovely messages....