(07-30-2020, 02:48 PM)rono Wrote: Hi All,
So it's Day 4 of the rest period following the 2nd cycle of AS5.75. Iow we're about 20 days in depending how you count.
We have been listening at night following the prescribed protocol. I put the speaker on my wife's side of the bed and turn it down lower than I did on DMSI, etc. bec I was not interested in it affecting me. Apparently, it still has. Without trying or noticing changes in habits (though I'm sure there are some subtle ones) I'm down a bit.
I've clearly lost weight but only a couple pounds. Mind you, I was happy with my weight where it was, so I'm not thrilled, but also not afraid. I've gotten down to 187 and still felt ok, I just prefer being between 190 and 195 and I've now dropped to the low end of that after having been slightly above, but not unhappily so.
Now about my wife. I got this for her at her request and she does not yet appear to be responding. I haven't noticed any changes in behavior, in fact, a couple old bad habits have sneaked back in (e.g. munching nuts and not putting them into her 'myfitnesspal' app on her phone).
I'm not trying to resist and am consciously open to the positive effects the sub could have, as is she. But I'm responding quickly and she is not. No sign on the scale, nor in her measurements (we take these weekly at her request--she is very fitness conscious, just not good at appetite control). She has continued to workout faithfully in spite of a couple minor injuries that have caused her a little pain.
Any thoughts? The first thing that occurs to me, is that maybe she's not getting enough exposure in the 4 days on 7 days off pattern. Like her subconscious is so distracted by life it 'deletes' it in the first day or so. Would it be advisable to give her a 'booster' exposure on her computer during the day? Just one or two loops for a couple days in the rest periods?
She really wants this to work, as do I, she doesn't want to go back to where she was, but her new lifestyle that worked for a couple years, is no longer keeping her weight down, rather allowing it to creep back up. This pattern has continued so far on the sub.
Also, I finally asked her what the weight diff is that represents what she thinks is her ideal weight and it is a minimum of 15 pounds below where she currently is (almost 150 at 5'4") whereas I thought originally it was only 10lbs. Her clothes are starting to be too tight to zip all the way up, etc. At her activity level, exercising almost every day, that seems high, so I don't think the algorithm is going to be happy with that. If it is, then she'll be very disappointed with the expense and the effort.
Is there anything I can have her do to 'work with the sub'? Thoughts, affirmations, etc. to help her get over any resistance there might be, albeit hidden?
Also, in the interest of the scientific method: have you noticed that some people respond better when listening during the day rather than at night? Just a thought.
Looking forward to Shannon's feedback
The issue your wife is having is that you don't want it to affect you. By that I mean, you lowered the volume, and the volume you're using is too low, given her resistance response. For resistant personality types, the required volumes tend to be relatively high. This is why I use 13/15 on my cell phone; not because I need it, necessarily, but because GF needs it. She is a very strong willed individual who "don't tell ME what to do! I do what I want!"s her way through life, much to her own resulting dismay.
The program should work for her when you play it at that level of volume in ultrasonic format.
You are used to your current weight, and if it is not your actual ideal weight - and you're not a body builder or athelete - you're going to lose weight and have to realize that your perception of your ideal weight is likely to be off. Your identity may be based on this belief, and it may be helping reciprocally to shape it. Appetite suppressant is designed for use by people who are not atheletes or weight lifers, but the ideal weight it calculates is very accurate for the vast majority of the rest - provided they are 16 or older.
Most Americans have a very skewed perception of what their "ideal weight" is, and it's usually much too high. This happens because the society caters to whomever has the money to spend, and over time, has resulted in things like clothing sizes changing but the size rating staying the same; a "size 9" from 1980 is not the same as a "size 9" from today, for example, and this is one of the things my GF complains about because she resells vintage clothes sometimes, and the sizing is completely different. So it seems possible that your self perception is that your ideal weight is higher than it really is. And if you run this program at the volume settings that your wife will respond to, you're going to find out what your real ideal weight is - and hers.

As for days on to days off, what I suggest you do is this. Play it at the 13/15 equivalent volume and go through a couple ASRB2 cycles. Note how she responds during the days off. In most cases, I see that the first day off is a ramp up, day 2, possibly 3 are peak execution days, and day 3 or 4 starts the fade out. If she stops executing on day 3 or 4, then make the days off that minus 1. Setting the volume and the days off correctly will give you optimal results. Usually when the days off come out like that in the models, it basically means, "There is too much variance for me to be able to answer for everyone, so use this and then have them adjust as necessary for their own optimal results."
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!