05-19-2020, 11:27 AM
(05-19-2020, 11:19 AM)UniversalMan Wrote:(05-19-2020, 10:54 AM)Zubrowka Wrote:(05-19-2020, 10:33 AM)UniversalMan Wrote:(05-19-2020, 10:04 AM)Zubrowka Wrote:(05-19-2020, 09:30 AM)UniversalMan Wrote: As far as I can understand Shannon, his path is not about money, but to contribute to the global changes that already took place at some slow speed, to strap the people from the veil and limitations of personal/group/global conciousness....that is how I see him and his work.
Well in that case, by having an offering that serves a greater size of customers would help IML grow more, not less and by that supporting that goal just fine.
I simply disagree.
How can you give for an example a mobile phone vs. Human evolution?
Not everybody are yet ready for those changes, not everybody are ready and willing to heal, not everybody wants to be free from the fear and terror e.c.c....
Those who are ready are somehow guided by themselves to wherever it takes in order to heal,there are always some obstacles on the way, than the determination plays the important role (eg. in this situation "I need that product and I need the best version and I will save for it and will not settle for less, cause I want the best for myself, cause I want to be the best version of myself")
If there is will, there is always a way to accomplish everything.
You wrote that not everybody are willing to pay that amount, but I would say that not everybody are ready for the changes, because of the fear of unknown.
I'm not - I'm making an example how you best grow your business, not regarding what it does.
I don't really understand your argument that you need to have a certain degree of determination to develop yourself, to be allowed to get something that would help you in this journey. In that case, are you upset that E3 is as cheap as it is? Wouldn't it be better to price it to 1500 USD so only the most determined would have a chance to get it?
IML and subliminals are not the common thing to turn to for help, even though that they are, by my own experience, a fully working substitute for going to a psychiatrist or doing various treatments. Imagine how many people out there who take their own lives every day, people who are depressed, people who have suffered great losses and will fall down into a pit and not get out from it, and imagine how much of human potential that are wasted because people don't understand their own value and inner potential and how many people that are unhappy in their families - while they didn't had to be.
I'm not in any doubt that subliminals work and that people can have great use of them - but it will take some smart marketing and business sense to get it out there. And the best way, as Shannon probably realized a long time ago, is to have many people use them and make them sell themselves by having people report of how they work on them. But as with everything new, there is a resistance built into how we work, some people love new things and are willing to take the leap of faith, but most aren't. And even more so if it involve any perceived risk, even if it's not factual, but based in that you can't understand how something work - just imagine if someone would bring a flashlight into the 1500-century, he would either be received as a god or as a witch and burnt in public. And not only that the product is hard to understand how it work, it also tamper with the most precious thing we have - our psyche and in by extension our sanity. So the resistance to it I would say is higher than to have people start using a phone with a touch-screen - and therefore the initial idea to have a large amount reference point - i.e. users - become even more critical. I have been on this forum for years and read probably 75% of Shannons posts, so I have grown to trust him by that, and I know that people here trust him too. But this is a slow process, growing one member at the time - some people sharing their journeys on the forum and some to their friends. But let's agree that this is maybe the best way of growing the business, even if it's slow. But you must make the most you can from this type of growth.
By that logic - having an offering that are appealing to an increased number of people - the odds of getting more customers and more reference points will speed up the growth of IML. By the reference to the same logic, marketing will be what will make IML grow past the "innovators"-group of people (Diffusion of innovations) i.e. those who stand in line for the next iPhone to use the same analogy - and without marketing it smart - the product can be how amazing it is - but people will not necessarily buy it. The history contains numerous examples of inventions that didn't really make it - because the inventors didn't know how to market them in a way that people understood and could assimilate to. Apple is one of those that did succeed - much thanks to Steve Jobs extreme tendency to be a perfectionist and make the product one of a kind that had higher quality than it's competitors - but the real genius was in the way they could be used and how he used a narrative on how to use them. Remember computers wasn't for the average joe before Apple came - because they wasn't commercially viable. But by presenting the products in a way that people could relate to, and felt comfortable with using - he built the foundation to what Apple is today. Without the amazing products, no Apple - and without a smart marketing plan in place - no customers. It takes both things to get successful and break new ground - no company that targets consumers will be an exception to that - and especially not one that is in the absolute forefront of a technology with the characteristics that subliminals have.
You know what, I am bored with this discussion, I was stating something else, and you are orbiting around money, and the most certain truth is that IML is not my company and for sure your's neither
So I suggest that this discussion is finished, and it is too far away from the thread teme.
Do you agree?