(04-24-2020, 12:54 PM)Lucius Wrote: I don't know how to find out when my brain gets rewired though. Will I just know it?
I hear you on not counting the days. I'm just doing it for the hell of it.
I wanted to go "hard mode", to aid the healing further, make it occur much faster. That's essentially, no searching and seeking for erotic pics or videos online, detailed erotic fantasy, no orgasm of ANY kind, even a normal one with a girl during sex. That isn't difficult in my case, so I'm using my virgin status to my advantage for now. "Hard mode" is like a comprehensive dopamine detox, to get the mind out of the state of being flooded with it for such a long period of time.
On how you'll know when you've rewired enough... A good turning point, is when you start to get some erections, like I am starting to. They aren't strong, but they're starting to appear. Usually when I think of some attractive girls I know, nothing erotic, just normal sexual attraction towards them. So, this semi-erect phenomenon is starting to occur once in awhile, fantastic sign of rewiring. Not to the point of full erections in such cases, but well on it's way. Getting joy in everyday situations, because you aren't flooded by dopamine from superstimulus from porn/fapping. Seeing girls as more relatable to you, this may be VERY slowly starting for me. Thinking about sex in a more "normal" way, not with weird fetish and kink stuff coming in, which is again fueled by porn. Morning wood is a good sign too. There are others, but yourbrainonporn.com covers all that and more. Devour the stuff on there, it's gold, buddy.