10-15-2019, 04:52 PM
So I've decided to start practicing the becoming method again. There is a specific person I want to be in a long term relationship with (not my exfriend, I won't say who though) and I'm trying to imagine for 10 minutes straight very vivid scene of me taking this woman's virginity. Problem is, I myself am a virgin and have no experience when it comes to sex, so it's hard to imagine what it'll feel, taste, or smell like. I'm trying to set up a vivid scene in my head, but I'm not able to use all 5 senses yet. I believe in my ability though to manifest with the becoming method and I won't get discouraged. It just takes practice. I also realize that for this to work, I have to only fantasize about it for those 10 minutes in the morning and evening and then get my mind off of it the rest of the time, or my subconcious mind will read it as a fantasy, not an experience, signalling a lack of having. I'm wondering though... does it make my manifestation any more effective if I don't masturbate? Or does it not matter? Obviously, I'd be masturbating to something else if I did.