09-20-2019, 06:11 PM
1st Loop Hybrid trickling stream
1:06 skin on arm, nose, jaw, ears, chest/lungs and topside of my thighs increased in temperature.
2:45 various other parts of my body have a noticeable increase in temperature
while typing, heart area seems to be radiating a large amount of energy as compared to before the sub.
3:02 Seems to be a noticeable shift in subconscious focus.
5:15 Face feels warmer.
since about 2 or so minutes in, I can sort of feel the energy radiating off of my body stop at a certain point and make a shell-like layer externally around me. If I had to put words to it, it feels like the chocolate balls with prizes inside them. solid, but "hollow". Not sure if that is a decent description.
8:32 bottom of my feet have "lit up" and feel like energy is coming out of them. Hands as well.
9:30 Scalp is pulsing.
Sidenote: it feels like the energy coming out of my face is rather dense.
10:30ish: ASRB, my body feels warmer but skin temperatures do not seem to reflect the perceived increase in temperature.
16:20 forearms seem to be warmer.
18:26 slight feeling of change in pressure in the head resulting in mild dizziness, not sure about this one being sub related. Face still far warmer than the rest of my body.
That's pretty much it. The rest of the loop not much to note besides that.
1:06 skin on arm, nose, jaw, ears, chest/lungs and topside of my thighs increased in temperature.
2:45 various other parts of my body have a noticeable increase in temperature
while typing, heart area seems to be radiating a large amount of energy as compared to before the sub.
3:02 Seems to be a noticeable shift in subconscious focus.
5:15 Face feels warmer.
since about 2 or so minutes in, I can sort of feel the energy radiating off of my body stop at a certain point and make a shell-like layer externally around me. If I had to put words to it, it feels like the chocolate balls with prizes inside them. solid, but "hollow". Not sure if that is a decent description.
8:32 bottom of my feet have "lit up" and feel like energy is coming out of them. Hands as well.
9:30 Scalp is pulsing.
Sidenote: it feels like the energy coming out of my face is rather dense.
10:30ish: ASRB, my body feels warmer but skin temperatures do not seem to reflect the perceived increase in temperature.
16:20 forearms seem to be warmer.
18:26 slight feeling of change in pressure in the head resulting in mild dizziness, not sure about this one being sub related. Face still far warmer than the rest of my body.
That's pretty much it. The rest of the loop not much to note besides that.