08-10-2019, 04:56 AM
I’m noticing that although I still have desires, they’re not nearly as important to me as they once were. In fact the last 3 days I’ve felt desire-less and find resistance towards visualizing what I want to achieve and possess, and even eliminated about half the things I want off my list. Not sure if this is the sub or something else though, as I’ve found myself losing interest in anything dealing with metaphysics in general. The gratitude program in this script could also be responsible for this. Also saying screw it to doing an AM6 refresher run. Pretty much every sub I did before BASE was to help build a better foundation for it; and although there are no regrets, I’d rather just hone in on what has been an issue/challenge to me since I became an adult which is achieving and maintaining financial success. I love AM6 but I simply don’t wanna be a broke alpha. My financial situation is much better than when I found IML but still not where it needs to be, for me to be able to do what I want consistently. I feel I’m alpha enough as it is and can avoid doing another AM6 run for a good while longer while I focus on getting my money right; permanently. UMS should be in my possession by next Friday.