Increased creativity in regards to money
Increased creativity in the endeavours you attempt for money
Increased creativity in people around (only in attempts to increase your flow of money)
Attraction of and loyalty of talented people to you
People seeing you as the go to person for money, talent, resources
People wanting to fund your endeavours
Increased intuition in regards to technology
Increased intuition in regards to product development
Increased intuition in regards to people development (knowing how to motivate in the right way)
People willing to connect you to the right people
People more likely to compliment you when you are not there
Willingness to execute ideas
Somehow always finding the cheaper yet high quality way to execute your projects
Rich/powerful people seeing you as the prize
Rich/powerful people seeing you as someone to be associated with
Patience when needed, assertiveness when needed
Somehow always attract clothes/fashion sense which screams "wealth" and "success"
"otherworldly" yet grounded, High tech yet long lasting, charasmatic, trustworthy yet mysterious, mix between a "mark zukerberg/bill gates" and a "Vegas casino owner" presence
People wanting to associate with you because they think your luck will rub off on them
"Animalistic,Primal,social yet high tech and rich" presence
A "royal" presence (think Saudi prince)
Extreme social proof
People feeling 'helped' by you when you are going after your own money
People of the gender you like attracted to you for other reasons than money (this is a importnt one for me- I have sabotaged myself in the past from money because I thought girls will only like me for the money- also it feels like when I go after money, females like me less so I revert back to focusing on them a lot...)
Always finding yourself in 'rich/affluent' environments
People feeling like your mere time/attention is expensive and will cost them money. Makes people respect your time
People feeling good giving you money
People willing to give you money for anything you give- time, sex, expertise, presence
People willing to bring you into their endeavours (if it has a serious chance of succeeding)
A sexual presence (like in a earlier version of DMSI with less power) (sex appeal can be a subtle yet powerful form of power)
edit 3:
People seeing you as a source of inspiration
Knowledge and intuition on how to leverage people, things, systems technology
Knowing how to delegate and people being willing to be delegated to
"discovering" your passion
willingness to act on your passion and make money from it
people giving you control and power
seen as a leader
seen as rich and generous
taking steps to be healthier
presence of having 'old money' yet new 'high tech' money
Intuition in marketing and knowing what will and wont work
Marketing yourself and your business/service/anything in the 'right' way
"revelations" about money and the nature of success/wealth
Cool and calm yet passionate in all situations
Extreme courage and fearlessness
People consciously and subconsciously sensing the 'fearless' energy in you
People wanting to work for you for free
People always looking at your endeavours ina positive and successful light
Presence of someone who has 'been to wars' and 'been there done that'
Penis enlarger

Willingness to create monopolies
Thinking bigger in terms of business
People willing to take on the work you dont want to do, for your benefit
Needed people with needed skills just appearing and willing to work for you
Taking on the 'master builder' archetype
Balance between lifestyle and business (think Richard Branson)
Seen as someone with 'power' no matter what enviornment you are in
Increased creativity in the endeavours you attempt for money
Increased creativity in people around (only in attempts to increase your flow of money)
Attraction of and loyalty of talented people to you
People seeing you as the go to person for money, talent, resources
People wanting to fund your endeavours
Increased intuition in regards to technology
Increased intuition in regards to product development
Increased intuition in regards to people development (knowing how to motivate in the right way)
People willing to connect you to the right people
People more likely to compliment you when you are not there
Willingness to execute ideas
Somehow always finding the cheaper yet high quality way to execute your projects
Rich/powerful people seeing you as the prize
Rich/powerful people seeing you as someone to be associated with
Patience when needed, assertiveness when needed
Somehow always attract clothes/fashion sense which screams "wealth" and "success"
"otherworldly" yet grounded, High tech yet long lasting, charasmatic, trustworthy yet mysterious, mix between a "mark zukerberg/bill gates" and a "Vegas casino owner" presence
People wanting to associate with you because they think your luck will rub off on them
"Animalistic,Primal,social yet high tech and rich" presence
A "royal" presence (think Saudi prince)
Extreme social proof
People feeling 'helped' by you when you are going after your own money
People of the gender you like attracted to you for other reasons than money (this is a importnt one for me- I have sabotaged myself in the past from money because I thought girls will only like me for the money- also it feels like when I go after money, females like me less so I revert back to focusing on them a lot...)
Always finding yourself in 'rich/affluent' environments
People feeling like your mere time/attention is expensive and will cost them money. Makes people respect your time
People feeling good giving you money
People willing to give you money for anything you give- time, sex, expertise, presence
People willing to bring you into their endeavours (if it has a serious chance of succeeding)
A sexual presence (like in a earlier version of DMSI with less power) (sex appeal can be a subtle yet powerful form of power)
edit 3:
People seeing you as a source of inspiration
Knowledge and intuition on how to leverage people, things, systems technology
Knowing how to delegate and people being willing to be delegated to
"discovering" your passion
willingness to act on your passion and make money from it
people giving you control and power
seen as a leader
seen as rich and generous
taking steps to be healthier
presence of having 'old money' yet new 'high tech' money
Intuition in marketing and knowing what will and wont work
Marketing yourself and your business/service/anything in the 'right' way
"revelations" about money and the nature of success/wealth
Cool and calm yet passionate in all situations
Extreme courage and fearlessness
People consciously and subconsciously sensing the 'fearless' energy in you
People wanting to work for you for free
People always looking at your endeavours ina positive and successful light
Presence of someone who has 'been to wars' and 'been there done that'
Penis enlarger

Willingness to create monopolies
Thinking bigger in terms of business
People willing to take on the work you dont want to do, for your benefit
Needed people with needed skills just appearing and willing to work for you
Taking on the 'master builder' archetype
Balance between lifestyle and business (think Richard Branson)
Seen as someone with 'power' no matter what enviornment you are in
I am that I am, I will be what I will be.
I am grateful for all that I have. I am humble as I revel in the wonders of power