06-01-2019, 07:40 PM
Hmmm I guess it might be best to start off with a quote:
“When you are content to be simply yourself, and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.” - Lao Tzu
I am finding this be the case. As I have come to just be simply myself more and more people are trying to engage me in conversation and be buddy buddy to me. Also, they don't seem to be intimidated at all by me or avoid me. I actually went to the DMV the other day to get a replacement driver's license which I will hopefully get in 2 weeks then I will go to Triple A in order to get a international driver's permit which I could use Korea (or other places) to drive a car in the country. Either way I went there, without an appointment, early in the morning and had no issues. Took about an hour and half or so but I didn't complain, bitch, or moan like most people do when going to the DMV. I surprisely enjoyed myself for some reason because I found no problem in doing what I knew had to be done. Also, had multiple people trying to act nice to me or even ask me random question which I usually don't get at all.
Either way, definitely noticing more respect and I also notice that that quote falls inline with the whole transcendent alpha view to a degree. It is interesting that after I've had this transformation that I've started searching for philosophical stuff to see if anyone has come to the same conclusions I have over the last 2 weeks or so about what I am observing and I am finding quote a few philosophers have commented on the same things. There is one other Lao Tzu quote I found that also reflects something I noticed and am actually going through:
"Chase after money and security
and your heart will never unclench.
Care about people’s approval
and you will be their prisoner.
Do your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity."
What especially jumped out at me was two parts. The first part about being people's prisoner which echos back to something I had said a little while ago though in the situation of getting your identity from them. Also the last two sentences talk to something I have been feeling. I am most now about my purpose and what I need to do. Anything else besides those things (entertainment, etc) are just distractions. Its like a hunger to just get to reaching my goals. Unfortunately, many people get so distracted with simple pleasures of life and I'm really starting to notice that. I started to notice that what i used to watch on youtube was mostly people reviewing or talking about entertainment. If it was something else it was usually bias BS trying to sell you a certain narrative not encouraging you to actually think. As of now I spend more time searching for jobs and debating whether to apply to them. I barely watch any youtube videos and when I do it usually about philosophy or something that will actually help me grow.
Didn't realize how much of what I watched was just people bitching and complaining about something, usually entertainment. I mean, I guess this whole change in my thinking made me realize just how much "entertainment" is a large part of people's lives right now. Very little is has to do with anything that actually moves their lives forward which is a shame. There is one other thing related to this that I have noticed. I can't stand people complaining or bitching about how hard and difficult something is. Something about that behavior just drives me up a wall. How hard or difficult something is is largely based on your mindset while doing it. You can make it more difficult or easy depending on your mindset while doing said task. It all reminded me of something Shannon had said a while back ago when using Smoking as an example. How everyone says quitting is hard and therefore everyone gets that belief that it must be hard. So when they try to quite their actual belief system makes quitting actually hard.
Another thing I noticing is just how limitations we put on ourselves through out thinking. This is a natural consequence when I stopped getting my identity from things external from myself. Once I stopped doing that I also stopped accepting the limitations that came with accepting those things as the basis of my identity. Now I seem to notice duality type thinking all the time. Everything always seems to be narrowed down to 2 choices for most people. Also, if you say you aren't for A then that "must" mean you are for option B though this shouldn't be the truth at all. You could well be for options C, D, E, F, or G or a combination of any of them which people haven't thought of. Also, relying mainly on experience is a fools errand. Experience has its place but it should be tempered with logic, reason, and evidence. To rely solely or mostly on experience is to rely on the past for experience is the culmination of your interactions in the past regarding the situation at hand. I don't think I need to go over what I said about "enslaving" yourself to the past?
Yet people keep on relying on their experience despite funny enough that experience not providing them with the life they want. You have to ask yourself if your experience is so noteworthy then why despite saying you have learned from it you keep repeating the same mistakes? Why don't you have the life you want now then? There is the problem of your "experience" being bias. For example, someone has an experience that is totally opposite than yours. Does your experience invalidate their experience? I doubt it. There is a reason why we don't allow "experiences" as definitive scientific data alone. Your "experience" is a small "sample" size compared to the other billions of people on this planet. As noted your experience can also be bias. Therefore, to insist that your "experience" has taught you this or that as if it is definitive of anything will get you no where. Insisting that things "need" or "aught" to be this way or you need to conduct yourself in a certain way every time "this" situation arises is to enslave yourself to the past. Therefore insuring your future and present is no different from the "past".
It is interesting how easily people fall into this trap. Funny enough this is one of the reasons why "novices" who just entered a field are more likely make new revolutionized discoveries than people who have been the field for a very long time. Their thinking isn't as rid git and they haven't been doing something in such a certain way for a while that they have become "set" in their ways. This is one of the common complaints about old people as well. That they might have wisdom but most lack a open mind because they have been so set in their ways that they can't conceive anything outside of that narrow thinking. Either way this is a major flaw I have noticed. This duality in thinking and over reliance on experience as if it were the end all be all of knowledge.
I think I am really thinking about this all now because I notice now the blindness of my previous self and the holes in my previous thinking patterns but I am also noticing how almost all the people I meet are affected by these things. In other news I am filling out the forums for going to South Korea though I am still not set on just that particular country. I probably am going to switch to DMSI right before I go though. I rather run UMS when possible but its probably going to be a few months before that comes out which I completely understand given the mess Shannon has to deal with at the moment. Some part of me is like "I might as well have some fun while I wait" but to be completely honest since I am no longer a slave to my urges especially my sex drive the idea of having random sex just doesn't appealing to me. I could be doing more important things with my time then dealing with annoying relationships.
Eh, still don't really feel anything for the Indonesian women anymore and if I stayed with her I realize it would be mostly out of pity. I wouldn't want that because that would just put even more strain on the relationship and make it even more unworkable. Funny thing as well the Filipina who I am still in contact with after she found out I might be dumping the Indonesian made it seemed like she had learned her lesson and that I could have as many women as I wanted if I was with her and she would be down with having threesomes, etc. Honestly though I do have the goal to have more than one women at one point its like I am not ruled by that singular urge anymore. Its like 2 chics could offer me a threesome right now and if I weren't feeling it at that moment I wouldn't do it. Being a slave to such things is beneath me. I mean I will still consider her offer but for now I rather focus on myself and improving myself.
So, in the end we will see. Might still run DMSI for the shits and giggles until UMS comes out. When that comes out though that will be my main and only focus. That is the ticket to the life I want and to accomplishing my goals. I mean BAMM 6G might certainly help out but by the time that comes out UMS might have helped me accomplish most of everything I wanted anyway. For now I mostly want to develop the traits that will lead me to success, money and power. Why bother with sex at that point if you have those things anyway and can get sex regardless?
Anyway, that is about it for now. Still lots of changes and revelations so far. Hope this keeps going.
“When you are content to be simply yourself, and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.” - Lao Tzu
I am finding this be the case. As I have come to just be simply myself more and more people are trying to engage me in conversation and be buddy buddy to me. Also, they don't seem to be intimidated at all by me or avoid me. I actually went to the DMV the other day to get a replacement driver's license which I will hopefully get in 2 weeks then I will go to Triple A in order to get a international driver's permit which I could use Korea (or other places) to drive a car in the country. Either way I went there, without an appointment, early in the morning and had no issues. Took about an hour and half or so but I didn't complain, bitch, or moan like most people do when going to the DMV. I surprisely enjoyed myself for some reason because I found no problem in doing what I knew had to be done. Also, had multiple people trying to act nice to me or even ask me random question which I usually don't get at all.
Either way, definitely noticing more respect and I also notice that that quote falls inline with the whole transcendent alpha view to a degree. It is interesting that after I've had this transformation that I've started searching for philosophical stuff to see if anyone has come to the same conclusions I have over the last 2 weeks or so about what I am observing and I am finding quote a few philosophers have commented on the same things. There is one other Lao Tzu quote I found that also reflects something I noticed and am actually going through:
"Chase after money and security
and your heart will never unclench.
Care about people’s approval
and you will be their prisoner.
Do your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity."
What especially jumped out at me was two parts. The first part about being people's prisoner which echos back to something I had said a little while ago though in the situation of getting your identity from them. Also the last two sentences talk to something I have been feeling. I am most now about my purpose and what I need to do. Anything else besides those things (entertainment, etc) are just distractions. Its like a hunger to just get to reaching my goals. Unfortunately, many people get so distracted with simple pleasures of life and I'm really starting to notice that. I started to notice that what i used to watch on youtube was mostly people reviewing or talking about entertainment. If it was something else it was usually bias BS trying to sell you a certain narrative not encouraging you to actually think. As of now I spend more time searching for jobs and debating whether to apply to them. I barely watch any youtube videos and when I do it usually about philosophy or something that will actually help me grow.
Didn't realize how much of what I watched was just people bitching and complaining about something, usually entertainment. I mean, I guess this whole change in my thinking made me realize just how much "entertainment" is a large part of people's lives right now. Very little is has to do with anything that actually moves their lives forward which is a shame. There is one other thing related to this that I have noticed. I can't stand people complaining or bitching about how hard and difficult something is. Something about that behavior just drives me up a wall. How hard or difficult something is is largely based on your mindset while doing it. You can make it more difficult or easy depending on your mindset while doing said task. It all reminded me of something Shannon had said a while back ago when using Smoking as an example. How everyone says quitting is hard and therefore everyone gets that belief that it must be hard. So when they try to quite their actual belief system makes quitting actually hard.
Another thing I noticing is just how limitations we put on ourselves through out thinking. This is a natural consequence when I stopped getting my identity from things external from myself. Once I stopped doing that I also stopped accepting the limitations that came with accepting those things as the basis of my identity. Now I seem to notice duality type thinking all the time. Everything always seems to be narrowed down to 2 choices for most people. Also, if you say you aren't for A then that "must" mean you are for option B though this shouldn't be the truth at all. You could well be for options C, D, E, F, or G or a combination of any of them which people haven't thought of. Also, relying mainly on experience is a fools errand. Experience has its place but it should be tempered with logic, reason, and evidence. To rely solely or mostly on experience is to rely on the past for experience is the culmination of your interactions in the past regarding the situation at hand. I don't think I need to go over what I said about "enslaving" yourself to the past?
Yet people keep on relying on their experience despite funny enough that experience not providing them with the life they want. You have to ask yourself if your experience is so noteworthy then why despite saying you have learned from it you keep repeating the same mistakes? Why don't you have the life you want now then? There is the problem of your "experience" being bias. For example, someone has an experience that is totally opposite than yours. Does your experience invalidate their experience? I doubt it. There is a reason why we don't allow "experiences" as definitive scientific data alone. Your "experience" is a small "sample" size compared to the other billions of people on this planet. As noted your experience can also be bias. Therefore, to insist that your "experience" has taught you this or that as if it is definitive of anything will get you no where. Insisting that things "need" or "aught" to be this way or you need to conduct yourself in a certain way every time "this" situation arises is to enslave yourself to the past. Therefore insuring your future and present is no different from the "past".
It is interesting how easily people fall into this trap. Funny enough this is one of the reasons why "novices" who just entered a field are more likely make new revolutionized discoveries than people who have been the field for a very long time. Their thinking isn't as rid git and they haven't been doing something in such a certain way for a while that they have become "set" in their ways. This is one of the common complaints about old people as well. That they might have wisdom but most lack a open mind because they have been so set in their ways that they can't conceive anything outside of that narrow thinking. Either way this is a major flaw I have noticed. This duality in thinking and over reliance on experience as if it were the end all be all of knowledge.
I think I am really thinking about this all now because I notice now the blindness of my previous self and the holes in my previous thinking patterns but I am also noticing how almost all the people I meet are affected by these things. In other news I am filling out the forums for going to South Korea though I am still not set on just that particular country. I probably am going to switch to DMSI right before I go though. I rather run UMS when possible but its probably going to be a few months before that comes out which I completely understand given the mess Shannon has to deal with at the moment. Some part of me is like "I might as well have some fun while I wait" but to be completely honest since I am no longer a slave to my urges especially my sex drive the idea of having random sex just doesn't appealing to me. I could be doing more important things with my time then dealing with annoying relationships.
Eh, still don't really feel anything for the Indonesian women anymore and if I stayed with her I realize it would be mostly out of pity. I wouldn't want that because that would just put even more strain on the relationship and make it even more unworkable. Funny thing as well the Filipina who I am still in contact with after she found out I might be dumping the Indonesian made it seemed like she had learned her lesson and that I could have as many women as I wanted if I was with her and she would be down with having threesomes, etc. Honestly though I do have the goal to have more than one women at one point its like I am not ruled by that singular urge anymore. Its like 2 chics could offer me a threesome right now and if I weren't feeling it at that moment I wouldn't do it. Being a slave to such things is beneath me. I mean I will still consider her offer but for now I rather focus on myself and improving myself.
So, in the end we will see. Might still run DMSI for the shits and giggles until UMS comes out. When that comes out though that will be my main and only focus. That is the ticket to the life I want and to accomplishing my goals. I mean BAMM 6G might certainly help out but by the time that comes out UMS might have helped me accomplish most of everything I wanted anyway. For now I mostly want to develop the traits that will lead me to success, money and power. Why bother with sex at that point if you have those things anyway and can get sex regardless?
Anyway, that is about it for now. Still lots of changes and revelations so far. Hope this keeps going.
"I have no use of disciples. Let everyone be their own true follower" - Nietzsche
![[Image: 1604394-bigthumbnail.jpg]](https://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/1604/1604394-bigthumbnail.jpg)
![[Image: 1604394-bigthumbnail.jpg]](https://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/1604/1604394-bigthumbnail.jpg)