04-16-2019, 08:42 AM
(04-16-2019, 07:26 AM)AlphaRomeo Wrote:(04-16-2019, 05:46 AM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: I already know with what all IM about to say is gonna open up a lot of doors,possibly,as a response or reaction so PLEASE. if you;re only gonna add more limitation to it,please skip it with me.... A Ultra Success/Luck maximizer 3 ;eye opener' revelation to me, I knew this before but this morning,it 'came to me' even deeper. I grew up with a very wounded,abusive father. he was very verbally abusive and physically= beat us,hit us,,he was a tyrant in many ways...nothing was ever ever enough for him,especially,with me, he seemed to have 'picked' me out of the entire crowd. there were 7 of us kids growing up and I WAS RIGHT in the Middle...nothing I ever did was ever enough,I was made wrong for being,for living,for being creative,ect the works. MY Father is a wounded Alpha Male, I spent 35 yrs of my life working on healing all the bullshti abuse he dished my way and that often!!
I realzied this morning,as I was chanting I am so happy and grateful that I have 4,000 dollars,it kept coming up that this 'is not enough',as I kept going,I realized that I have felt a lifetimes worth "I am not enough"...so even though with a program Like Ultra Monetary Success,I'm starting from the Outside in it will help me,to give myself the money I so despartely need to pay for the herbal healing and related( multi-wave-Oscilator,rife machine,ect) as well to do the inner 'energy/source' work,clearing and healing,alike. anbd to get back on this Life Horse and ride into the sunset and sunrise with abundant health and healing and more.
The "shortage" in my life has come from a lifetime of :lack on the inside and feeling not enough'. Things like Life Tune Up Alpha Male 7 and Goodness knows what ever else(thats yet to be created!),along those line will defintely be in order,accordingly,for the inner healing,growth and development. I am super interested in solutions and healing,growth not promoting more " victim-mi-tous"
it took a lot for me to even be in agreement with Myself to come here and post the abouve and thats not even as deep as it goes. With respect to Myself and You Guys,too! Keith....USM,Yes!!!
see what chew think. I saw this Video last spring....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw3NyUMLh7Y
Me thinks that Life Tune Up 5 does a helluva lot of this and of course,more than just this....
Mad respect for taking control of your life given the circumstances you grew up, for taking responsibility of your own healing, for fighting "against the odds" (or however that expression goes in english) and striving for success, for dedication to grow...to become more, to become better man than what was your "role model" when you were younger, to become the man you are today, and what you will be. All those years...decades...and being brave enough to tell all that in this forum. All this speaks volumes about the kind of man you are. Heres to the future...to UMS...to all the amazing titles yet to come and the growth that comes along the ride..Cheers!
Wow,Man. thank you AlphaRomeo!! Deeply appreicated ,and the empathy and respect that goes with it!! back to Ya Man,a thousand fold and then some:-) I dont care what anyone says the support and appreciation from your peers,has an impact and means so ,so very much!!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"