04-03-2019, 11:02 AM
Observation about LTU5 the FRM and fear. Under normal circumstances the FRM is removing fear very steadily. My fear/anxiety at work is generally around a 1-2/10 currently. Before any work with the FRM in USLM2? fear/anxiety at work was around 5/10. Obviously very significant progress has been made. The odd thing is that if I let myself get overall hungry or tired at work my fear/anxiety jumps right back to at least a 5/10level. Hunger seems to be the most appearant of the two. There seems to be a physiological trigger when a certain level of hunger and low blood sugar is reached. Which triggers all the old fears which have nothing to do with hunger or starvation. It will interesting to observe if this fades with time as the FRM has more time to work.