01-19-2019, 04:14 PM
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer V3 5.5g.
-Ncbeareatingman said this here
Quote:This week many things have happened/unfolded,one of the ones that stands out, Men have been showing me a helluva lot more respect and decency towards me. Higher respect ya might say. other things have been ,found some money twice this week, also a lot of synchronicities & right-alignments. There are many things,that I notice almost every hour on the hour....I can imagine this and higher,being a way of life and that it would be odd for it not to be this way ,as in, right alignment,right place right time,good fortune,ect. IN reality since being on USLM 1,2,3 its become this way more and more. Just coz I dont post everything on here that happens,dont mean substantial things arent happening.
I Love what USLM3 is doing for Me ,internally, the most! Understatement!! This morning while at breakfast in a restuarant,a women walked over to my table 'saluted Me" and walked off!! No shit,No lie,She saluted me!! A Man did similar yesterday, Many men have been calling Me Sir and Yes Sir,in response..things are changing again for the BETTER,on many levels and around many things. Could be that as USLM3 FRM 3.3 is removing such fears and more of my natural ALpha energy is coming forth and therefore more of the leadership respect is coming my way? dunno,what ever it is,it feels good and is good for da soul!!
Like I've said before,USLM3 builds on itself, as it removes the 'stuff' its implimenting the better- good-er'-stuff:-) USLM3 YOU Rock!!
It may not be right here,right now but I Know I know I Know that IM going to have hundreds of thousands of dollars,if not millions,I Just know in MY Soul that this is going to come to pass!! Theres some people in my life(at a distance) that one day in the next 2 yrs or so,that Im gonna get to go up to and say "See Bitches? I told You so!!" Ha!! Best revenge is Success & Forgiveness !!
-Ncbeareatingman said this here