01-18-2019, 05:05 PM
Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer 5.5g.
-JakeKennedy said this here
Quote:I had a very odd experience today. I’m not sure if it is related to subs for sure but I am leaning toward that it is. As of the first of the year I own 1/3 of one company I am working with but retained my position with another company in the same field because it is a very well paying high level salary position. The company I am on salary for and do not own, my multimillionaire friend owns 52% of.
This last December he threw a big holiday party for the company at a posh country club. Today I noticed there was a blown up framed picture of the 5 highest level people including the 52% owner. As I looked at the picture I first felt happy because the party was a great time but I quickly became angry because I wasn’t in the picture and obviously should have been. I almost walked away mad then I thought who is the guy to the right of the majority owner, why is he in this picture and why do I not remember him at the party. Then all of the sudden I realized it was me in the picture! I completely didn’t even recognize myself! It wasn’t a bad picture or anything I just did not at all recognize my physical self!
I then felt bewildered at the thought of almost walking away mad from the picture not even recognizing myself. I am still confused by it. I know Shannon’s subs have changed me drastically in the last 6 months. FRM has been amazing. But to not recognize one’s physical self due to sudden and rapid changes? As of now that’s the only way by which I can make any sense of it.
-JakeKennedy said this here