12-10-2018, 01:12 PM
So whilst I know success is mounting up in some great ways - I’m just not getting any motive force to my action and mentally I’m so slow it’s makinh work difficult.
Im having dreams which are not quite dreams - they’re like dialogues on a given subject - then I wake up with a sudden deep and disturbing thought, the most recent was ‘everything will die’.
I know intellectually what my issue is but I can’t get back to it, I need to have that sense of personal responsibility , sounds weird but I can’t move to taking responsibility like I used to. The weird fear I have right now even though I want to move to MLS , is stopping USLM. Nevertheless that’s what I’m
Going go do very soon.
Im having dreams which are not quite dreams - they’re like dialogues on a given subject - then I wake up with a sudden deep and disturbing thought, the most recent was ‘everything will die’.
I know intellectually what my issue is but I can’t get back to it, I need to have that sense of personal responsibility , sounds weird but I can’t move to taking responsibility like I used to. The weird fear I have right now even though I want to move to MLS , is stopping USLM. Nevertheless that’s what I’m
Going go do very soon.
Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.