(11-20-2018, 03:34 PM)Shannon Wrote: Believe me, I am not looking forward to rebuilding MLS yet again. I have come to hate that program because I couldn't get it to execute, but I am very confident that between FRM and the rest of the 6G upgrades, we will not be needing to build MLS again after it is built in 6G. Not that I would anyway, there won't be tech upgrades after that. If it still doesn't perform, we will simply give refunds and if it performs poorly enough, just pull it.
But that isn't gonna happen. FRM and the 6G skeleton script are going to make it truly sing.
It didn’t execute??? I never was able to think as clearly as when I was on MLS, which is why I deeply miss it now. It stopped working because I resisted by eating lots of inflammatory food which made me less smart, without that I would have had near good will hunting level genius.
So the damn thing worked , just didn’t kill that last bit of resistance - once frm is in there who knows how incredible it will be. There aren’t many, if any, better pleasures than achieving through learning and growing - you could build a life around it and it would be a good one.
Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.