Nobody is "trying to discredit" anything. I only responded to my name being brought up while you were going back and forth to someone else, who quoted my post to say they wanted an AYP. I just wanted a clear picture in the hopes that the sub can work on me someday. I felt if an inaccurate picture is there, maybe the program won't have the accurate scripting in it to handle my issues. So it's very important to me to be clear. I consider it closed.
You say I'm being a "victim", I say I'm just seeing that people have just as much say in whether I'm attractive as I do, if not more. As I've said before, we don't live in a vacuum. We NEED that external feedback to have a clear understanding of what value we are in relation to others. And since I want to be with them, their opinion of my attractiveness matters a great deal, in reality. As it's integral to the process. We all need external validation to show we are attractive, since we aren't trying to bang ourselves! If you believe you're attractive, but nobody wants you, are you REALLY attractive? No. My point was it isn't as simple as it is at times made out to be. That's it. Nothing else to delve into.
I always try to have as much clarity on my background as possible. The last thing I want is something misunderstood, misinterpreted, or whatever, and then when "final" rolls around, some issue isn't handled and I don't get a result. I've stuck in for a LONG time, I would like that pay off someday.
On our ages, it's totally possible my test has fallen a great deal the last year or so, and yours hasn't. It was only a possible. I have had issues with porn and fapping and PIED, and went for a test with my GP for diabetes awhile back due to erection issues I complained of. So it's possible this is either leftover from porn and fapping/PIED, or low test now. But it could also be me simply being fed up with poor results and checking out of things with girls. Or it could simply be my business crisis I've mentioned before and will below again, so my focus may be on that internally. Which I feel it probably should be from a maturity/responsibility standpoint. Probably not the most appropriate time for chasing girls, maybe after this is all stable.
I stopped doing 7 loops for a reason I already CLEARLY explained before on the forum. I had a partner who I started a second company with. Very ambitious, what it's doing, has never been done before in that niche. I'm enormously proud of it. My partner had to abruptly pull out due an emergency. I then had to right the ship myself, it's still lingering. It's been a massive diversion. I have a lot of responsibility to manage this crisis. I don't want exhaustion and bull shit making my life even harder. During V3.0.1, the exhaustion was SO devastating, I had to hire assistants to help me fulfill my duties! Which I ALSO have written about before. And I NEVER want that kind of derailing of my life again. It wasn't even worth it anyway in the end. That was a massive price to pay, more than I think anyone here has paid! So either you've forgotten that, or didn't know at all, but I was clear about mentioning that in the past. I don't think anybody else has pushed this hard for this sub, I've put in the effort! But during this new crisis, the last thing I needed was THAT again, so I had to make a judgement call. If anyone wants to believe it's all somehow "resistance"...well so be it. And I still kept using the program, just not at such an extreme usage. My immediate priority is fixing this company and balancing things. You had the "cycle", I have had "this". Both huge catastrophes we've had to manage. My life isn't the same as the college aged guy who can have more flexibility in using a sub like this I readily understand. I admit I'm not the "ideal" target market for this sub, but all I can do, is be who and what I am, and try the best I can.
Shannon, honestly, maybe it's me, but I just don't seem to see the "getting better and better" thing around the forum. Never mind me, forget about me. If YOU see it, okay then, fair enough, I'm glad, maybe you see things we don't. Overall, I see guys doing and saying the same things in the end, and little to no design goal. Maybe one version will really blow the doors off things someday. If I didn't believe it was possible, I would have stopped using long ago. But I've kept using every version since V2.2. And bought V1 opening day to support you and this project, even though it'd be MONTHS before I'd even be able to use it, as I was on E2.
On the age of consent, yes indeed, 16 is the age of majority for that here. It's changed a bit over time, but stands at 16 now. I'd love for it to be as easy as you suggest for me, to "just go out and get a younger woman" like that. If it was as effortless, I'd have probably done it long ago, absolutely. I have struggled to "be" attractive to begin with, so until the attractiveness itself has changed, the results have been poor. Kinda like saying "if you're hungry, eat", but there's no food around
. Maybe in future versions I'll get "food". Nice/charming/funny guy, but seemingly no attraction. To Sarge on this point, buddy I tried to mimic the "bad boy" thing long ago yes exactly. It was cringe in retrospect, and I wasn't able to get the same results as my friends. I just came off as a jerk, but no attraction, LOL. So I was missing something, it probably wasn't "real" somehow, so it was off. But yes, I did indeed try to "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". I hear you.
I can't understand this "refuse to cooperate" narrative. Besides listening to the sub, having the volume at the best level we can stand, religiously using the loops prescribed on the sales page, getting ourselves into situations with girls we find attractive to let the sub work on people we find attractive, not sure what else we can do to "cooperate". We have no direct oversight into what goes into the sub, we have no direct oversight of the sub being made. We don't really have much active stuff to do in this process. All we have, is downloading it, making sure the hashes are good, following sales page instructions, getting around people we find attractive. We have nothing else we can "do". And in fact, with me hiring two people to help me do my duties due to the insane exhaustion I had in the past with V3.0.1, JUST TO CONTINUE using the sub...I don't think anyone has "cooperated" more than I have. I've soldiered through this for a very long time now. Given my results on it along the way, it's at times been a challenge to stay positive and motivated. One of the things that made it possible was me not being so motivated to try other ones that were released, so that at times helps me "stay on the path" as this goal was more appetizing than others.
Well, that's very disappointing to hear the sub isn't likely to work for me. Even still, completely respectable business decision, I would've said and done the same. It'd be foolish otherwise, maybe someday I can buy a custom DMSI then, hahahahaha. Weird how it's one extreme or the other, me and the minority, or the majority. Whatever it is, that's the issue(s), must not be handled well by other's minds, and vice versa. Hopefully others get design goal at least, it'll be nice to see some payoff for people after such a very long haul. It'll be fun to read those posts too! Good to know I'm in the 2%, suspected as much for a long time. Well very few businesses survive and prosper, give or take that 2% figure, so maybe it's poetic and another challenge to get through. We'll see!
If I'm wrong about everything in this post, fine. I'm not interested in big back and forths, this already grew way out of what it was intended to be. And the massive time is way better spent working on B17 and V3.3. I didn't want you to think I'd ignore your words as sometimes when I didn't want to continue big diatribes you've thought I didn't read them or address them, so I did here. But I again have no interest in a big diatribe, this has dragged on way more than I thought it would. And these posts take FOREVER to write, lmao. Bottom line, last thing I'd claim to be is an expert on women. If I'm wrong on the "girl-related" stuff, fair enough. All is well.
Now, I'm going to take some Advil, my hands are killing me from all this typing, lol.
We all await the day V3.3 shows up in a month or two, or whenever it's ready!
You say I'm being a "victim", I say I'm just seeing that people have just as much say in whether I'm attractive as I do, if not more. As I've said before, we don't live in a vacuum. We NEED that external feedback to have a clear understanding of what value we are in relation to others. And since I want to be with them, their opinion of my attractiveness matters a great deal, in reality. As it's integral to the process. We all need external validation to show we are attractive, since we aren't trying to bang ourselves! If you believe you're attractive, but nobody wants you, are you REALLY attractive? No. My point was it isn't as simple as it is at times made out to be. That's it. Nothing else to delve into.
I always try to have as much clarity on my background as possible. The last thing I want is something misunderstood, misinterpreted, or whatever, and then when "final" rolls around, some issue isn't handled and I don't get a result. I've stuck in for a LONG time, I would like that pay off someday.
On our ages, it's totally possible my test has fallen a great deal the last year or so, and yours hasn't. It was only a possible. I have had issues with porn and fapping and PIED, and went for a test with my GP for diabetes awhile back due to erection issues I complained of. So it's possible this is either leftover from porn and fapping/PIED, or low test now. But it could also be me simply being fed up with poor results and checking out of things with girls. Or it could simply be my business crisis I've mentioned before and will below again, so my focus may be on that internally. Which I feel it probably should be from a maturity/responsibility standpoint. Probably not the most appropriate time for chasing girls, maybe after this is all stable.
I stopped doing 7 loops for a reason I already CLEARLY explained before on the forum. I had a partner who I started a second company with. Very ambitious, what it's doing, has never been done before in that niche. I'm enormously proud of it. My partner had to abruptly pull out due an emergency. I then had to right the ship myself, it's still lingering. It's been a massive diversion. I have a lot of responsibility to manage this crisis. I don't want exhaustion and bull shit making my life even harder. During V3.0.1, the exhaustion was SO devastating, I had to hire assistants to help me fulfill my duties! Which I ALSO have written about before. And I NEVER want that kind of derailing of my life again. It wasn't even worth it anyway in the end. That was a massive price to pay, more than I think anyone here has paid! So either you've forgotten that, or didn't know at all, but I was clear about mentioning that in the past. I don't think anybody else has pushed this hard for this sub, I've put in the effort! But during this new crisis, the last thing I needed was THAT again, so I had to make a judgement call. If anyone wants to believe it's all somehow "resistance"...well so be it. And I still kept using the program, just not at such an extreme usage. My immediate priority is fixing this company and balancing things. You had the "cycle", I have had "this". Both huge catastrophes we've had to manage. My life isn't the same as the college aged guy who can have more flexibility in using a sub like this I readily understand. I admit I'm not the "ideal" target market for this sub, but all I can do, is be who and what I am, and try the best I can.
Shannon, honestly, maybe it's me, but I just don't seem to see the "getting better and better" thing around the forum. Never mind me, forget about me. If YOU see it, okay then, fair enough, I'm glad, maybe you see things we don't. Overall, I see guys doing and saying the same things in the end, and little to no design goal. Maybe one version will really blow the doors off things someday. If I didn't believe it was possible, I would have stopped using long ago. But I've kept using every version since V2.2. And bought V1 opening day to support you and this project, even though it'd be MONTHS before I'd even be able to use it, as I was on E2.
On the age of consent, yes indeed, 16 is the age of majority for that here. It's changed a bit over time, but stands at 16 now. I'd love for it to be as easy as you suggest for me, to "just go out and get a younger woman" like that. If it was as effortless, I'd have probably done it long ago, absolutely. I have struggled to "be" attractive to begin with, so until the attractiveness itself has changed, the results have been poor. Kinda like saying "if you're hungry, eat", but there's no food around

I can't understand this "refuse to cooperate" narrative. Besides listening to the sub, having the volume at the best level we can stand, religiously using the loops prescribed on the sales page, getting ourselves into situations with girls we find attractive to let the sub work on people we find attractive, not sure what else we can do to "cooperate". We have no direct oversight into what goes into the sub, we have no direct oversight of the sub being made. We don't really have much active stuff to do in this process. All we have, is downloading it, making sure the hashes are good, following sales page instructions, getting around people we find attractive. We have nothing else we can "do". And in fact, with me hiring two people to help me do my duties due to the insane exhaustion I had in the past with V3.0.1, JUST TO CONTINUE using the sub...I don't think anyone has "cooperated" more than I have. I've soldiered through this for a very long time now. Given my results on it along the way, it's at times been a challenge to stay positive and motivated. One of the things that made it possible was me not being so motivated to try other ones that were released, so that at times helps me "stay on the path" as this goal was more appetizing than others.
Well, that's very disappointing to hear the sub isn't likely to work for me. Even still, completely respectable business decision, I would've said and done the same. It'd be foolish otherwise, maybe someday I can buy a custom DMSI then, hahahahaha. Weird how it's one extreme or the other, me and the minority, or the majority. Whatever it is, that's the issue(s), must not be handled well by other's minds, and vice versa. Hopefully others get design goal at least, it'll be nice to see some payoff for people after such a very long haul. It'll be fun to read those posts too! Good to know I'm in the 2%, suspected as much for a long time. Well very few businesses survive and prosper, give or take that 2% figure, so maybe it's poetic and another challenge to get through. We'll see!
If I'm wrong about everything in this post, fine. I'm not interested in big back and forths, this already grew way out of what it was intended to be. And the massive time is way better spent working on B17 and V3.3. I didn't want you to think I'd ignore your words as sometimes when I didn't want to continue big diatribes you've thought I didn't read them or address them, so I did here. But I again have no interest in a big diatribe, this has dragged on way more than I thought it would. And these posts take FOREVER to write, lmao. Bottom line, last thing I'd claim to be is an expert on women. If I'm wrong on the "girl-related" stuff, fair enough. All is well.
Now, I'm going to take some Advil, my hands are killing me from all this typing, lol.
We all await the day V3.3 shows up in a month or two, or whenever it's ready!
