Odd thing to report, but since starting E2, my NocWood has returned. Dreams are pretty crazy, as well. Every time I woke during the night to turn over, my kickstand was up. Guess I'll have to sleep on my back from now on, or risk penile fracture. Haha, j/k.
Dreamed I was on vacation in the mountains, and this beautiful fog rolled down every hill and out of every building - and all the buildings were ornate. I remember being in awe of everything I saw, and I was traveling with people I loved. It's nice to have dreams like that.
I'm getting more staring from women again, and my wife is extremely affectionate. I wonder if the love flood and DMSI energy are mixing, and I'm combining DMSI bloom w/ E2. It's possible.
Dreamed I was on vacation in the mountains, and this beautiful fog rolled down every hill and out of every building - and all the buildings were ornate. I remember being in awe of everything I saw, and I was traveling with people I loved. It's nice to have dreams like that.
I'm getting more staring from women again, and my wife is extremely affectionate. I wonder if the love flood and DMSI energy are mixing, and I'm combining DMSI bloom w/ E2. It's possible.