08-25-2018, 06:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2018, 06:37 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
(08-25-2018, 07:02 AM)THolt Wrote:(08-25-2018, 05:01 AM)Shannon Wrote:(08-24-2018, 06:40 PM)K-Train Wrote:(08-24-2018, 07:06 AM)K-Train Wrote: [quote='K-Train' pid='204264' dateline='1535085869']
[quote='kingpill' pid='204249' dateline='1535072674']
Most people are fearful of death and so at the end of their lives, the fear consumes them, hence making them weak. Not me. I wanna look death in the eye and laugh as I die. I wanna f*** lady death.
Executed like crazy right after this realization.
I've noticed the EXACT same thing. V3.2 generates/generated a lot of fear in me. My anxiety would ratchet up. I found that most of the fear in my life centered around death. I would sometimes visualizes myself holding lady death's hand and looking her in the eyes and saying "I'm not afraid of you". By releasing this fear of death I also found it easier to execute DMSI.
Quote:I believe the reason for this is because part of the subconscious for some people equates losing/relinquishing control to DMSI as dying. Almost EVERY person is wired to avoid death and survive but I believe that people who are "resistant" have this subconscious "survival program" running in overdrive. The reality is that death is unavoidable and a necessary step that all of us will eventually take. When the subconscious realizes this and begins treating death as something natural it relaxes so to speak and this is when DMSI is able to work its magic because the instructions are no longer seen as a threat.
I reserve the right for my opinion to be totally wrong!
Shannon in regards to this post from Kingpill's journal, does Key #1 or Key #2 address the subconscious identifying the relinquishing of control/compliance to DMSI's instrunctions with death? As someone who has had issues with "being told what to do" I can most certainly attest to sometimes equating "loss of control" with dying. My results with DMSI improved drastically when this was overcome and I believe it may hold an important key to improving the results for others.
Also sidebar question: Do you think that US/LM is having a positive benefit on your progress with DMSI? If yes could you please continue running it for the next year so we get more kickass subs? Thanks!
*This was a copy and paste from Kingpill's journal. This post was supposed to be here originally but I posted it in the wrong journal. Consider this a request for the return of the 'delete post' button.
First point: You guys are misunderstanding how DMSI works. All subliminals work this way. All hypnosis is self hypnosis for the same reason: subliminals are a set of instructions, and nothing more. You either choose to execute, or you choose not to. At no time do you ever "relinquish control" to this program. That's about like seeing a grocery list on the table and thinking you have to "give it control" in order to go buy groceries. It's so far off that it's ridiculous. You never relinquish control, and I have stated many times that I will never create a program that takes away your control of yourself.
Key #2 will help with this. The fear removal module will help a lot. I'm also working on some special modules right now that should help further, if the Fear Remover doesn't do it all.
But I'd like to point out that the fear of death being equated with executing DMSI's instructions is almost certainly the subconscious self resisting changing what it believes to be true, because it has built it's entire world view on those things. If they change or are not true, then the perception of everything must be re-evaluated. In other words, it fears this change as a death because this change would mean that not just one thing changes, but EVERYTHING changes. The whole of the self would have to change in some cases, as well as all of how the outside world was perceived.
Taking CatMan as an example, he states again and again, unchangingly that he cannot believe the program will ever work. That it is "too far outside his reality". What he is saying is, "This reality I have created from all of my life experiences and the resulting beliefs I have formed would have to change too drastically for me to feel safe, so I will not allow that to happen." To preserve his reality asit is, he even goes so far as to report results and then in a day or a week, reverse what he said before, and prevent himself from being able to see it or remember it. It conflicted with his reality and it frightened that part of him so much that it was rejected and replaced with what was already there, which was comfortable. Instead of making the incremental improvements and growth steps that would have resulted in him achieving the design goals as others have done, his subconscious has actively sought to un-do all progress and then erase it, deny it, doubt it, etc. in order to maintain the status quo he started with. (Did you know you were doing that, CM?) Thus we have his "I've been using this for 2 years and seen nothing" posts.
There are ways past even this, and with 3.3, I will be implementing several new ideas which I believe will at least make good progress.
Quote:Also sidebar question: Do you think that US/LM is having a positive benefit on your progress with DMSI? If yes could you please continue running it for the next year so we get more kickass subs? Thanks!
USLM is having a positive effect on all areas of my life, but life doesn't revolve around one subliminal. I've been running MIR for a while because my girlfriend was sick. I need to run MHS to help my lungs. I need to test Beast on myself, not just others. And other subs may come along that I want to run, also.
You will get more kickass subs regardless, I assure you.
If @Shannon designs BAMM 3.0 to achieve the goal in 4-8 years then that is still leaps and bounds faster than the average time it takes for many to become a multi-millionaire. I know people that own businesses and are struggling. Imagine if they had a tool like BAMM 3.0. I think we are very fortunate such a tool exists. Many would kill for something like BAMM 3.0
Like Shannon said, BAMM 2.0 couldn’t get past a lot of the deep fears I have. These fears were very deep and only surfaced after sometime running the program.
yeah in MY case when using BAMM, MY Life,kicked into REVERSE mode,I went from prospering fairly decently I wouldn say fantastically, but decently, to going backwards and THEN my life fell apart,I almost wound up on the streets and penniless. it was very scary indeed. I can only chalk it up to some serious resistance,that was NOT resolved at that time,to say da least. once I stopped utlizing BAMM ,MY Life started to "come back together", so to speak.
I AM totally willing to give it more than another go,once again,for shure. with all the new technology,all the new bells & whistles,kitchen sinks in it & all the other good shit that sin it,that in itself for any program is encouraging as hell!! For shure, Plus I've paid for the muther when it FIRST first came out, it was on sale for just ONLY a very few days and I got it right in ,between that window of Opp, before it went up in price! Free Upgrades,are a helluva encouragement,too!! Understatements !!
IM shure BAMM 3.0 will rock da house and our lives with positive change. Might I suggest adding in Positive Thinking,Positive Attitude/USLM,Money Magnet,entire scripts,adjusted to the spec's of the program of course,ect. IM shure Shannon has already thot these things and more by now.. or will when the time comes... I'M glad this subject came up again, keeps the Life force energy of Bamm alive & Kickin'! ha! Have a Most groovy evening Yawl!! yes Groovy!!
what? I can't be an Old soul,Old Hippie,,healer,redneck,world traveled,edu-ma-cated Man from da stix of Carolina,who says "groovy' every now'un'neen? Ha!!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"