(08-16-2018, 04:52 AM)thor2014 Wrote: Shannon a friend of mine gets attached to women very easily and then they seem to run away. What I would like to do is for you to make a recommendation on which sub he should be buying from you I am guessing DMSI but I wanted to pass this by you first.That brings back memories
When they run away and he asks whats wrong. The girls say they are not use to a guy being so nice to them ?. He has read lots of PUA stuff and seems to know alot from the intellectual standpoint however he still has this problem.

When he'll understand the true meaning of pain he'll stop that behavior right away. That's the only thing that killed my neediness and exaggerated attachment to women back when I was way dumber than now.
Pain is the greatest teacher, they say.
If I knew subs at this time I'd have ran E or E2 I think.