08-06-2018, 01:32 PM
Ok, what I'm going to write might make no sense to you because you might not be far enough to understand but I'll give it a try:
You are what you think you are and you are treated by others by how you think of yourself.
By giving away your power I mean what you do is "victim thinking" and "oh, what can I do, I'm such a poor guy". And you will say "that is the truth, no matter how you look at it."
You only have "YOUR" truth. We can see the truth, we just see perceptions of the truth. A glass is half full or half empty. We constantly rate things in good/bad, better worse, it's part of how we see the world.
You create your truth by your own thinking habits.
Change your thinking habits and you will change your life.
It does not happen over night.
There is a book called "BE, DO, HAVE" and it was one thing that convinced me of the theory of subliminals.
First you have to BE the person (with your mind), then it results in your DOing (your actions are influenced by your thinking) and at the least you will HAVE what you have, because you acted upon your thinking.
I am sure you will still say "no, you are wrong."
Do you care about being right or being happy and creating your own life?
You can change your life by taking responsibility (and that is why one of the cornerstones in the AM program is "overcome victim mentality") or you can have excuses why your life sucks. It's your choice.
You are what you think you are and you are treated by others by how you think of yourself.
By giving away your power I mean what you do is "victim thinking" and "oh, what can I do, I'm such a poor guy". And you will say "that is the truth, no matter how you look at it."
You only have "YOUR" truth. We can see the truth, we just see perceptions of the truth. A glass is half full or half empty. We constantly rate things in good/bad, better worse, it's part of how we see the world.
You create your truth by your own thinking habits.
Change your thinking habits and you will change your life.
It does not happen over night.
There is a book called "BE, DO, HAVE" and it was one thing that convinced me of the theory of subliminals.
First you have to BE the person (with your mind), then it results in your DOing (your actions are influenced by your thinking) and at the least you will HAVE what you have, because you acted upon your thinking.
I am sure you will still say "no, you are wrong."
Do you care about being right or being happy and creating your own life?
You can change your life by taking responsibility (and that is why one of the cornerstones in the AM program is "overcome victim mentality") or you can have excuses why your life sucks. It's your choice.