Last night I woke up.multiple times, 3am and 5.15am. I dream tons aswell, things to do with work. I literally dreamed I was fired. I start to realize how my current situation is ending. Its like a full swap. This morning while driving in traffic I suddenly had as massive realisation involving collaboration. It shattered me. It was like a total shift yet was immensely confident in it. Spectator like even. I screamed in joy behind the wheel waiting for the lights to turn green. I dropped like a bomb. Im still joyous till this moment.
Addictions are being shortcircuited. My hunger is there but the signal to act is not really there. Barely ate a thing today and when I wanted, IDGAF kicked in and overrided it. Now I have eaten.
R, who I consider a friend gave me some of his food. I consider him as a friend. Great guy. Milf E was even more touchy feely. She is high drama tho and IDC. I act way more alpha now 3.2 is nearing and people sense it. N called in to tell she was sick. Older woman, M was feeding off my presence, cobstantly praising, stumbling over her words.
I notice I get sucked in the eyes of hot girls. Its like a gravitational field. They react greatly to it. One girl behind tye checkout when I went to get some food along with R, did eye fuck me. I purposely locked eyes with her. Light tan, pierced ears, long brown silky hair. Solid 8/10. Another when getting food at some other store, there was this girl in line that reacted like she was thunderstrucked. Open mouth when unable to break off. Said hi with a sneaky smile.
I walked in like a boss tho. The whole day im walking like a king. IDGAF is verrrry high today. I feel attraction getting way more strong and hits happen left and right. Its my world now. Like yesterday evenin, visuals keep hittin me after watching a livevid of Vince Kelvin and Arash about feeling the energy in your environment.
Tbh, no clue where life is heading tho. Its like being opened up to way more then I know and knew. Totally blowing me away. The mind is one big mystery to yet am mastering it. LOA understanding and mental mastery is immensely potent. Especially when gettin in the more fringe parts of past life, energy sensing, ancient civilisations. Its a barrage of gnosis taking place and gets higher and higher.
Upcomin days ill be having a shitton of dates and sex. My masculine core is burning all.
Stay golden.
Addictions are being shortcircuited. My hunger is there but the signal to act is not really there. Barely ate a thing today and when I wanted, IDGAF kicked in and overrided it. Now I have eaten.
R, who I consider a friend gave me some of his food. I consider him as a friend. Great guy. Milf E was even more touchy feely. She is high drama tho and IDC. I act way more alpha now 3.2 is nearing and people sense it. N called in to tell she was sick. Older woman, M was feeding off my presence, cobstantly praising, stumbling over her words.
I notice I get sucked in the eyes of hot girls. Its like a gravitational field. They react greatly to it. One girl behind tye checkout when I went to get some food along with R, did eye fuck me. I purposely locked eyes with her. Light tan, pierced ears, long brown silky hair. Solid 8/10. Another when getting food at some other store, there was this girl in line that reacted like she was thunderstrucked. Open mouth when unable to break off. Said hi with a sneaky smile.
I walked in like a boss tho. The whole day im walking like a king. IDGAF is verrrry high today. I feel attraction getting way more strong and hits happen left and right. Its my world now. Like yesterday evenin, visuals keep hittin me after watching a livevid of Vince Kelvin and Arash about feeling the energy in your environment.
Tbh, no clue where life is heading tho. Its like being opened up to way more then I know and knew. Totally blowing me away. The mind is one big mystery to yet am mastering it. LOA understanding and mental mastery is immensely potent. Especially when gettin in the more fringe parts of past life, energy sensing, ancient civilisations. Its a barrage of gnosis taking place and gets higher and higher.
Upcomin days ill be having a shitton of dates and sex. My masculine core is burning all.
Stay golden.