12-26-2017, 05:45 PM
(12-26-2017, 04:10 PM)findingme Wrote: Tholt,
I got on UD for emotional clearing, and it touched me deeper than any other sub has in my life. 5.5 subs have an intense power, and it hit me emotionally and physically--both heavily.
It really went straight to my fears of being honest (with myself), and it dismantled it. However, like you, I wondered "what will replace my fears?" Once a bit of clearing had been done, I was antsy (afraid of not knowing, aka afraid of not being in control?). Maybe it was resistance. It likely was/is. I even began planning on crying when I went to some of my meetings, as just opening my mouth was just seconds away from expressing old grief, having kept everything inside me, for YEARS.
Physically, I did some coughing in the mornings, but nothing major changed since my health is pretty good for my age. However, the physical fatigue kicked my butt. I must have been doing some major brain rewiring, as I relied on caffeine heavily in my job. I'd do 3 cups of coffee without batting an eye since......it pepped me up and kept me alert.
I've not used UD now in 2 weeks. I tried this sub, that sub, and since specific awarenesses were arising (victim mindset, unforgiveness of myself, freedom from my past), I willingly turned back to E2. I tried ultrasonic for a week, but just like my first run, it barely seemed to affect me. I'm running the stream version, and I'm actually wanting to go through this healing.
Regarding UD, it is a remarkable sub for clearing out junk--emotionally from my experience.
And even the last night I ran it, I noticed it cleaning out my mind again, as I found truths coming up. Not knowing what's happening to me via the sub, sadly, is a detractor. I am uninformed, so I'm not presently using it. E2's description gives me hope, plus Shannon's words that longer runs have heavily helped some with painful pasts keeps me in this aim. One day at a time.
Why'd you begin using UD?
I used it to get past some emotional issues. It was an amazing program. It brought to light a lot of issues and other things as well.
I’m considering doing a SE run but I might hold off on that and run UD longer