08-16-2017, 03:16 PM
Arsenic Wrote:Cloudflare was crap for the first 2 years or so. It's been out for awhile and has come a LONG way. I might know a handful of (friendly) shady folk who hate cloudflare because it means they can no longer screw with a siteCF alone should prevent the 'need' to upgrade mybb versions. I used to deal with the hacking / coding crowd so my site was a prime target and as such I updated whenever the newest version of MyBB came out. If you do use CF, the only reason I see for upgrading is if you want to use a certain plugin that is not backward compatible (aside from editing the compatibility code within the plugin) or if you want to switch themes for more modern functionality and feel. Having said that, my offer still stands to help out with a version upgrade if you ever need a hand with it in the future!
Thanks Arsenic, really appreciate that

Andrew // Site Architect "Attack its weak point for massive damage" -Giant Enemy Crab