Watched The Bachelorette with my wife last night. There was a date where the chick took one of the guys on a one-on-one. He was "everything she wanted," on paper. He was an attorney, had perfect teeth, good skin, good looking, dressed well, was clearly intelligent, witty...
But he creeped the fuck out of my wife and me. I mean, we just couldn't put our finger on what was wrong, but we both shuddered multiple times as we watched them interact. He even had a cool name - "Jack Stone," like straight out of a Grishem novel or something. My wife said, "I don't think anyone has ever creeped me out through a television like this before..." She was right.
I'm sure this guy doesn't understand what's "wrong," with him. Good looking, well dressed, groomed, well spoken, intelligent, good career, makes money...and none of it matters, because he has baaaad energy. Needless to say, The Bachelorette sent him packing, and he looked as if he didn't understand, but that it was what always happens to him. I am going to try and get a clip of it posted to see what y'all think.
But he creeped the fuck out of my wife and me. I mean, we just couldn't put our finger on what was wrong, but we both shuddered multiple times as we watched them interact. He even had a cool name - "Jack Stone," like straight out of a Grishem novel or something. My wife said, "I don't think anyone has ever creeped me out through a television like this before..." She was right.
I'm sure this guy doesn't understand what's "wrong," with him. Good looking, well dressed, groomed, well spoken, intelligent, good career, makes money...and none of it matters, because he has baaaad energy. Needless to say, The Bachelorette sent him packing, and he looked as if he didn't understand, but that it was what always happens to him. I am going to try and get a clip of it posted to see what y'all think.