12-30-2011, 03:05 PM
We'll call this one...
Cowboys and Aliens and Psychedelics
So there is this girl who works at the liquor store by my job and whenever I would go in there, she would hit this really hot eye contact with me. Sometimes she would even come outside and say hi as I was passing by. One day I am walking by and she comes outside. Usually whenever I get off work I am not all that horny nor am I in a great mood to flirt. It takes me about ten minutes to wind down as I generally have a ton of stuff going through my mind and I have to listen to a little classical on the drive home to regain my presence. On this day, however, I was sitting on top of the world and I was in one of those magnetic Sex Magnet moods. She comes outside and says "ADAM! HI!" and so I walk over and lift her ass off the ground with a hug. We're talking a little bit and the eye contact is just so hot that I am getting a hard on practically while we're talking. Very magnetic. Later on she sends me a message on facebook with her number saying that she wants to get together soon. I text her my address and she comes over. It wasn't that night, but a few nights later, I think. She comes in my house looking cute. She's a natural blonde, has a very pretty face and nice eye's as well. She's quite skinny and I'm not all that in to that, but I'm attracted to her, so that didn't matter much, but I do like them tig ole bitties. We played Super Smash Bros. for a while on the Wii and then I decide it's movie time so I ask her if she wants to go in my room and watch Cowboys and Aliens on my computer. She wanted to and so we went right in.
Now I had known this girl was a hippy and I tend to stay away from those, but I had no idea. Here's where I put the disclaimer... *Disclaimer* In no way am I condoning drug use, but it's an intregal part of the story so I can't really omit this detail* There. Anyway, right off the bat she pulls some psychedelic drugs out of her purse of the fungi variety and asks if I want to do them. Now I had done them before and I knew what I was getting myself in to, but I didn't really take in to account her reaction with them and here's where I learned a very valuable life lesson. We ate a decent amount. Then we started watching Cowboys and Aliens...or should I say we watched about ten minutes of Cowboys and Aliens until clothes started coming off. We went at it for pretty much the whole length of the movie. We were both chewing gum at the beginning. I spit mine out, she accidentally swallowed hers and I somehow managed to f*** both of her earrings off of her. After we were done that was exactly what she said too "You f***ed my earrings OFF of me." in utter amazement/amusement. I think the movie had ten or so minutes left when we were done and that's when they started kicking in. Now I had only ever ate mushrooms by myself and so I really don't take in to account other peoples reactions to them. I thought that after our little session she would be pretty damn tired, because I was fully ready to lay there have some weird thoughts, weird conversations and then go to sleep and have some weird dreams...not her. She wanted to go outside and play in the grass. I had to wake up at 7 or so the next morning because it was the first weekend of the training for the Halloween festival. She just didn't want to hear it and she was being loud too and risked waking up my roomate, so I went outside with her. She was running around the yard and playing on the jungle gym that I have back there and wanted me to join too. I said I was fine where I was at because just sitting there enjoying myself at that point, I couldn't be any more content...well unless I was in my bed. I asked her if we could please just go inside and go to sleep, but NOOOOO.
After a while of this she started to get annoyed with me and asked why I'm being so stand offish. I told her because she's wearing me the f*** out and it's starting to get annoying. She said "Fine then I'm going home.!" and I replied "Like hell you are! You're not going anywhere in your current state." and she says "I'm fine." She clearly wasn't fine, but while I was still rational and logical(I really don't ever lose that) She had lost her damn mind. I tell her I would drive her home, but I'm not much better off. So we sit there for a while watching the trees dance around. It was quite funny, but then we start going at it again because she wants me to play and I have no energy nor desire to do so. She says "Fine I'm going!" and I say "Dammit that's it! Give me your keys!." and she simply will not give them up so I stay outside with her a while longer. At one point she's like "You don't trust me do you?" and I said "No I certainly do not." and she wanted to know why I didn't trust her.(Like that wasn't painfully obvious.) I asked her again if I could have her keys and she said "No." and so I said "That's why I don't trust you." We talked some more and then started arguing again. Finally at about 1 in the morning, she says "If I call my friends to come pick me up will you be satisfied?" and I thought THANK GOD! and agreed. While we were waiting I apologized to her. I told her she's a sweetheart and I didn't mean to be rude to her. We made out and hugged a lot. Human contact felt really good at that point, so we were embracing A LOT. I told her I don't generally get all energetic like she did, so I didn't take in to account her reaction and that it might not mix well with me needing to go to sleep early. When her friends got there we kissed again and she said "Are you gonna call me? Can I call you?" as she left. I still see her maybe once a week or sometimes when I go in the liquor store. I just haven't really had the urge to hang out with her since then. I know she wants to again and we might, but the desire hasn't hit me yet. As an added bonus though, I now get the employee discount at the liquor store whenever she's working!
Cowboys and Aliens and Psychedelics
So there is this girl who works at the liquor store by my job and whenever I would go in there, she would hit this really hot eye contact with me. Sometimes she would even come outside and say hi as I was passing by. One day I am walking by and she comes outside. Usually whenever I get off work I am not all that horny nor am I in a great mood to flirt. It takes me about ten minutes to wind down as I generally have a ton of stuff going through my mind and I have to listen to a little classical on the drive home to regain my presence. On this day, however, I was sitting on top of the world and I was in one of those magnetic Sex Magnet moods. She comes outside and says "ADAM! HI!" and so I walk over and lift her ass off the ground with a hug. We're talking a little bit and the eye contact is just so hot that I am getting a hard on practically while we're talking. Very magnetic. Later on she sends me a message on facebook with her number saying that she wants to get together soon. I text her my address and she comes over. It wasn't that night, but a few nights later, I think. She comes in my house looking cute. She's a natural blonde, has a very pretty face and nice eye's as well. She's quite skinny and I'm not all that in to that, but I'm attracted to her, so that didn't matter much, but I do like them tig ole bitties. We played Super Smash Bros. for a while on the Wii and then I decide it's movie time so I ask her if she wants to go in my room and watch Cowboys and Aliens on my computer. She wanted to and so we went right in.
Now I had known this girl was a hippy and I tend to stay away from those, but I had no idea. Here's where I put the disclaimer... *Disclaimer* In no way am I condoning drug use, but it's an intregal part of the story so I can't really omit this detail* There. Anyway, right off the bat she pulls some psychedelic drugs out of her purse of the fungi variety and asks if I want to do them. Now I had done them before and I knew what I was getting myself in to, but I didn't really take in to account her reaction with them and here's where I learned a very valuable life lesson. We ate a decent amount. Then we started watching Cowboys and Aliens...or should I say we watched about ten minutes of Cowboys and Aliens until clothes started coming off. We went at it for pretty much the whole length of the movie. We were both chewing gum at the beginning. I spit mine out, she accidentally swallowed hers and I somehow managed to f*** both of her earrings off of her. After we were done that was exactly what she said too "You f***ed my earrings OFF of me." in utter amazement/amusement. I think the movie had ten or so minutes left when we were done and that's when they started kicking in. Now I had only ever ate mushrooms by myself and so I really don't take in to account other peoples reactions to them. I thought that after our little session she would be pretty damn tired, because I was fully ready to lay there have some weird thoughts, weird conversations and then go to sleep and have some weird dreams...not her. She wanted to go outside and play in the grass. I had to wake up at 7 or so the next morning because it was the first weekend of the training for the Halloween festival. She just didn't want to hear it and she was being loud too and risked waking up my roomate, so I went outside with her. She was running around the yard and playing on the jungle gym that I have back there and wanted me to join too. I said I was fine where I was at because just sitting there enjoying myself at that point, I couldn't be any more content...well unless I was in my bed. I asked her if we could please just go inside and go to sleep, but NOOOOO.
After a while of this she started to get annoyed with me and asked why I'm being so stand offish. I told her because she's wearing me the f*** out and it's starting to get annoying. She said "Fine then I'm going home.!" and I replied "Like hell you are! You're not going anywhere in your current state." and she says "I'm fine." She clearly wasn't fine, but while I was still rational and logical(I really don't ever lose that) She had lost her damn mind. I tell her I would drive her home, but I'm not much better off. So we sit there for a while watching the trees dance around. It was quite funny, but then we start going at it again because she wants me to play and I have no energy nor desire to do so. She says "Fine I'm going!" and I say "Dammit that's it! Give me your keys!." and she simply will not give them up so I stay outside with her a while longer. At one point she's like "You don't trust me do you?" and I said "No I certainly do not." and she wanted to know why I didn't trust her.(Like that wasn't painfully obvious.) I asked her again if I could have her keys and she said "No." and so I said "That's why I don't trust you." We talked some more and then started arguing again. Finally at about 1 in the morning, she says "If I call my friends to come pick me up will you be satisfied?" and I thought THANK GOD! and agreed. While we were waiting I apologized to her. I told her she's a sweetheart and I didn't mean to be rude to her. We made out and hugged a lot. Human contact felt really good at that point, so we were embracing A LOT. I told her I don't generally get all energetic like she did, so I didn't take in to account her reaction and that it might not mix well with me needing to go to sleep early. When her friends got there we kissed again and she said "Are you gonna call me? Can I call you?" as she left. I still see her maybe once a week or sometimes when I go in the liquor store. I just haven't really had the urge to hang out with her since then. I know she wants to again and we might, but the desire hasn't hit me yet. As an added bonus though, I now get the employee discount at the liquor store whenever she's working!

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