Day 37
just came back from my works "oscars night" party.
WOW what a night. It's 5 am i just got home.
Lot of shit went down il try and simply as much as possible.
I went into the party slightly nervous about what to expect and how its going to be. I find myself 10 minutes later sitting with Brunette 1 , and a chick that likes me at work who im not interested and and a few other hotties at a table. So the table that I sat at was the "cool kids" table if you will.
I noticed the last two tables at the end of the row were the most beta males and shy people in the company. I intentionally made myself sit somewhere else as to not be labeled as one of those guys. Or shy.
I sat with the "cool kids" and which were like 6 hot chicks and me and another guy.
I saw Brunette 3 checking me out. There was no point in the night where I was sad about her kinda rejecting me yesterday when I opened up to her.
Truth is she told me she's seeing someone else right now (it's not official but she is seeing someone
and she also told me shes moving to toronto soon.
So it was a rejection but as nice as it could get.
but what was interesting was, I saw her looking at me being happy and sexy tonight.
Then later in the night I was taking pictures and I finally saw her in front of me.
We ended up staying together for a good 30 minutes.
We talked very deep, we got to know eachother, I asked about her leaving to Toronoto and her family life and what not. This was the first time she got to see my personality. Because I was so confident and happy and sexy in this moment. I hate small talk but I'm really good at real conversations like the ones we had today.
I told her about my probation and about me and I learned allot about her.
Near the end of the 30 minutes I asked her "Were you lying when you said you are seeing another guy?" She said no.
I then said Well if you ever come back from Toronto single let me know, (I kissed her on the cheek very sexually) and said she's adorable. Then I grabbed her and kissed her on the cheek again right after that. And she said something like "Your too much" and she went and sat down.
But I was alpha as fuck, confident, manly, happy, high self esteem, and true to my intentions.
So not one second did I think I lost her or that I fucked up or she doesn't like me.
I literally was so direct with my intentions and stuff. And this is the day after getting technically "rejected" by her. So she got to see I wasn't affected by her rejection and that I was still happy and social and having a good time.
I got to know her really well. We literally were alone for 20-30 minutes where no one else was with us. And I got a picture of us two as well.
For 30 minutes it felt like she was my gf. We were walking around and almost acting like it.
Anyways after that I drove to my house and cabbed to an after party one of the waitressses was having at her house near by.
We get to house its like a small mansion with a hot tub and pool in the back and billiards and stuff. It was an awesome night.
I was super alpha and happy the whole night. No nervousness or anxiety or shyness.
I was playful and fun with all the girls and got to know my bros more as well.
At one point I was in a hot tub with 3 topless chicks from my work, while drinking a beer.
Keep in mind I was breaching probation while doing this so I literally could have gone to jail if I got caught.
I was on such a high, literally unliterally. WOW WHAT A NIGHT.
Drinking a beer with 3 topless beautys.
And everyone in that party was chill as fuck.
One of the funnest partys i've been too..
Anyways when I left I gave brunette 1 a big hug and kiss on the cheek before I left. I was pretty masculine and dominant tonight.
I'm so happy with what DMSI has done for me.
These situations are where I used to have severe anxiety before.
One of my bosses asked me to go get something from downstairs and leave the hottub while I was in my towel and almost naked.
So I walked into the party downstairs with a towel on and my shirt off letting my skin/tattoos show,.
It was a pretty sexual and alpha night for me. Definitely must have made good impressions on allot of people. I looked sexy as fuck in my suit.
Also I spoke to my boss that pissed me off the other day and resolved the conflict. I told him he made me really upset but i'm over it and i understand why he got mad.
just came back from my works "oscars night" party.
WOW what a night. It's 5 am i just got home.
Lot of shit went down il try and simply as much as possible.
I went into the party slightly nervous about what to expect and how its going to be. I find myself 10 minutes later sitting with Brunette 1 , and a chick that likes me at work who im not interested and and a few other hotties at a table. So the table that I sat at was the "cool kids" table if you will.
I noticed the last two tables at the end of the row were the most beta males and shy people in the company. I intentionally made myself sit somewhere else as to not be labeled as one of those guys. Or shy.
I sat with the "cool kids" and which were like 6 hot chicks and me and another guy.
I saw Brunette 3 checking me out. There was no point in the night where I was sad about her kinda rejecting me yesterday when I opened up to her.
Truth is she told me she's seeing someone else right now (it's not official but she is seeing someone
and she also told me shes moving to toronto soon.
So it was a rejection but as nice as it could get.
but what was interesting was, I saw her looking at me being happy and sexy tonight.
Then later in the night I was taking pictures and I finally saw her in front of me.
We ended up staying together for a good 30 minutes.
We talked very deep, we got to know eachother, I asked about her leaving to Toronoto and her family life and what not. This was the first time she got to see my personality. Because I was so confident and happy and sexy in this moment. I hate small talk but I'm really good at real conversations like the ones we had today.
I told her about my probation and about me and I learned allot about her.
Near the end of the 30 minutes I asked her "Were you lying when you said you are seeing another guy?" She said no.
I then said Well if you ever come back from Toronto single let me know, (I kissed her on the cheek very sexually) and said she's adorable. Then I grabbed her and kissed her on the cheek again right after that. And she said something like "Your too much" and she went and sat down.
But I was alpha as fuck, confident, manly, happy, high self esteem, and true to my intentions.
So not one second did I think I lost her or that I fucked up or she doesn't like me.
I literally was so direct with my intentions and stuff. And this is the day after getting technically "rejected" by her. So she got to see I wasn't affected by her rejection and that I was still happy and social and having a good time.
I got to know her really well. We literally were alone for 20-30 minutes where no one else was with us. And I got a picture of us two as well.
For 30 minutes it felt like she was my gf. We were walking around and almost acting like it.
Anyways after that I drove to my house and cabbed to an after party one of the waitressses was having at her house near by.
We get to house its like a small mansion with a hot tub and pool in the back and billiards and stuff. It was an awesome night.
I was super alpha and happy the whole night. No nervousness or anxiety or shyness.
I was playful and fun with all the girls and got to know my bros more as well.
At one point I was in a hot tub with 3 topless chicks from my work, while drinking a beer.
Keep in mind I was breaching probation while doing this so I literally could have gone to jail if I got caught.
I was on such a high, literally unliterally. WOW WHAT A NIGHT.
Drinking a beer with 3 topless beautys.
And everyone in that party was chill as fuck.
One of the funnest partys i've been too..
Anyways when I left I gave brunette 1 a big hug and kiss on the cheek before I left. I was pretty masculine and dominant tonight.
I'm so happy with what DMSI has done for me.
These situations are where I used to have severe anxiety before.
One of my bosses asked me to go get something from downstairs and leave the hottub while I was in my towel and almost naked.
So I walked into the party downstairs with a towel on and my shirt off letting my skin/tattoos show,.
It was a pretty sexual and alpha night for me. Definitely must have made good impressions on allot of people. I looked sexy as fuck in my suit.
Also I spoke to my boss that pissed me off the other day and resolved the conflict. I told him he made me really upset but i'm over it and i understand why he got mad.