04-06-2017, 09:24 PM
Day 34
Someone triggered in me both consciously and subconsciously 5 hours into work today.
I literally stopped caring, and giving a fuck about these women 100 percent.
No analyzing, no feelings, no caring whatsoever, no desire or urge to talk to them.
I literally turned numb and into a machine. Just worked super hard and intense.
Funny thing is I had major indicators of interest after this, guys walking out of my way, men and women apologizing all the time for things they didn't need to apologize for.
Whatever part of my brain that was needy just dissapeared.
I also feel extremely alpha now and as numb as I did while on AM if not more.
I really don't give a fuck about this chicks, not that I don't want to bang them. But I look at them and I look at a male coworker and I see the same thing and feel the same thing.
Just a human being, no pedestal or lust fullness towards them.
There ioi's towards me also don't make me feel good or bad anymore.
I never felt as good as I did at work today ever before.
Someone triggered in me both consciously and subconsciously 5 hours into work today.
I literally stopped caring, and giving a fuck about these women 100 percent.
No analyzing, no feelings, no caring whatsoever, no desire or urge to talk to them.
I literally turned numb and into a machine. Just worked super hard and intense.
Funny thing is I had major indicators of interest after this, guys walking out of my way, men and women apologizing all the time for things they didn't need to apologize for.
Whatever part of my brain that was needy just dissapeared.
I also feel extremely alpha now and as numb as I did while on AM if not more.
I really don't give a fuck about this chicks, not that I don't want to bang them. But I look at them and I look at a male coworker and I see the same thing and feel the same thing.
Just a human being, no pedestal or lust fullness towards them.
There ioi's towards me also don't make me feel good or bad anymore.
I never felt as good as I did at work today ever before.