(03-24-2017, 04:05 AM)eternity Wrote: I'm 5'4" / 165 cm @118 lbs. Don't have any health condition causing me to stay skinny. Just a really fast metabolism. It's definitely been a cause of insecurity all my life. It's ridiculous.
Eternity, after watching this documentary I realized that I have metabolic syndrome. It's when you constantly eat and the pancreas releases a steady supply of insulin into your bloodstream. I have a coworker that fits your description and recently has begun to gain weight and he's bent out of shape by the sudden weight gain.
It wasn't until I watched this documentary I realized what is happening to him. Everyone is giving him food to eat because they think he is starving. Without knowing it, he has always been in a fasted state. Never eating while he is at work and only eating when he is at home. Now he is eating at work and at home thanks to our generous coworkers.
Currently he is 28, 130 lbs. He swears he's been 120 lbs since high school and can't figure out why the sudden weight gain. If this constant eating continues, he too will have metabolic syndrome before he's my age. Don't worry, I'm going to show him documentary and let him decide for himself.
I believe without knowing, you too have been in a fasted state... that's why you haven't gained weight!!
When you imagine something vividly... your subconscious will bring it into reality.
When you imagine something vividly... your subconscious will bring it into reality.