(03-17-2017, 02:15 AM)Rayhon Wrote: I was just reading some psychology study and it talked about frequency of thought and how that affects how someone likes you. (the more they think about you the more they like you, is the gist of it)
Anyways it got me thinking about how I was before subliminals, if I liked someone I would think about them ALL THE TIME. Like extremely obsessively, with great emotion and it was extremely difficult to get over them if I got rejected or still liked them. Months, or more.
It got me thinking about how I'm not like that at all anymore.
I think about a girl I like maybe once or a twice a day for like 1 minute, and usually when I write my journal posts here.
I'm so happy I've gotten to this point. I was so unhealthy when it came to women it saddens me that they're are guys out there who are mentally messed up like I was.
My question to Shannon and or whoever knows the answer.
Are majority of woman like how I was before? Do they constantly think about the guy they like? Because they are so high estrogen and emotional do they constantly think about someone if they like them?
I won't say I know the answer, but from my observations I think they do think about the guys the like constantly. The difference is they can also get over the guy within the twinkle of an eye.
I observed this in my cousins. One of them was so obsessed with this guy it was driving the family crazy. Even though she was still a student, she would use part of her monthly allowance to buy gifts for the guy and his parents!! She made it known to us she would get married to the guy. Mind you this was in West Africa and such a behaviour is totally unacceptable. The man should do all these things and not the girl.
After a few months of her Disney display, when no one was expecting, she dropped the bomb that she was no longer interested in the guy. There was absolutely no logical explanation for her decision. The tides turned and the guy became the cry baby calling every member of her family pleading with them to make her change her mind. This went on for more than six months, but nope, her mind was already made up.
That is just one of about five similarly stories within my own family. The number goes way up if I include the stories of my friends. The brain of a woman is wired completely different from a man's it can become a beast. Hollywood has made us believe women are the very emotional ones when the reverse is true in the real world.
EDIT: When I tried to post the reply, there was an error message which said the Subject was too long, making me to edit out the "RE: " part. Maybe you should consider renaming your journal.
Confront your problems. Walk away from BS. Seek wisdom to know the difference.