12-10-2011, 01:06 AM
(12-09-2011, 06:15 PM)Shannon Wrote: I went through almost exactly the same length and intensity of relationship with a BPD woman also, and I was co-dependent at the time too. People who have BPD have no self image... they latch on to someone else for that, which is why she immediately got back into a relationship. It really blew me away when my ex told me she was engaged two months after I left her, and married a month later. I spent four years doing everything in my power to make her my wife, but in the end, I couldn't fix her and I couldn't trust her. So she got her marriage, and I got destroyed by the apparent betrayal... but I honestly think that BPD people just don't connect emotionally the same way the rest of us do. For them, it's an overriding and obsessive need to fill that void within them concerning self identity.
Thanks Shannon sounds exactly like my ex breaks up with me then gets married almost straight away. Then wants to get back with me later.
Even now she has a new relationship she keeps trying to contact me which makes everything so much harder. Oh well 3 months on let go of past relationships and ill be well over her

They do don't connect the same as most people do. They think they are madly in love then the next minute they are onto the next thing if that doesn't work the next or back to the old.
I believe that because of the co-dependancy/abandoment I tend to attract these sort of women hence the abandoment sub and Alpha Male will blow these issues out of the water.
The only person in life that can ever hold you back is yourself. So get out of your own way and start living the life you always dreamed of