12-01-2011, 11:09 AM
I find my friends very distasteful sometimes. I was hanging out with them last night and one of them in particular is pretty cool to be around, but when he gets a bunch of "bro's" and women together, he absolutely feels the need to show off and he is incredibly abrasive and obnoxious. A large group of us were had been bar hopping last night and we went to this bar that we usually get kicked of quickly when he is with us. This night was no exception. I think someone at the other table farted and he accused the guy of shitting his pants. The guy got offended and the two quickly got in to a fight. I was sitting there, watching amused for a second and another of my friends rushed to try and stop it. It was doing a lot of good, so I intervened and had to put my friend in a full nelson and drag his ass out of the bar, lol. It was entertaining, but God it was so childish too, watching two grown men get in to a ridiculous fight over their fragile ego's. I'm sure we all have friends who are show offs. It makes me grateful I was able to grow out of that. I guess some people never do.
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