11-16-2011, 03:09 PM
That's pretty funny, Ryan. That reminds me of the episode of Californication where Runkle is having sex with that Asian and she's checking her e-mail during.
Yeah, the quiet librarian types are crazy in bed. It has never been proven to me to be any other way. Those are the kind that I look for. I can tell the types too because the polarity is usually so hot that everything just goes unspoken anyway. They're also the ones that I have to put the least effort in to getting. We hang out once and that's that, usually.
Yeah, the quiet librarian types are crazy in bed. It has never been proven to me to be any other way. Those are the kind that I look for. I can tell the types too because the polarity is usually so hot that everything just goes unspoken anyway. They're also the ones that I have to put the least effort in to getting. We hang out once and that's that, usually.
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