11-14-2011, 10:57 AM
(11-10-2011, 03:57 PM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: first off good luck Cortez!-I like how you put it-what seemed big and impossible in your mind-is becoming smaller and totally do-able-POWER THROUGH BRO!
And of course I have to ask do you find the effects of SM sticking through or possibly being augmented with the new subs?
I saw a sign today that said-Depression is an issue of chemistry not a character flaw-it was a fifty foot sigh on a building-just yellow background and black letters.
I agree with the chemistry thing, but only to a very small degree. I feel that if you're healthy and eating a nutritionally balanced diet then your body should be making your neurotransmitters in a balanced and correct way. Your body is constantly trying to achieve homeostasis. You just have to give it what it needs to be able to do that. For instance, I have a natural dopamine boosting brain formula that I take in the morning. It consists of 1000mg Phenylalanine(The amino acid precursor to Dopamine in your brain), 1000mg Vitamin C(Your brain uses it to synthesize the Dopamine), and 50mg B6(A transporter for the other nutrients). I bought all of these in bulk on ebay, each ingredient by itself and I take it in the morning on an empty stomach. I just mix all of it in powder form with water and powdered powerade for flavoring. It works incredibly well! High Dopamine levels in the brain do all sorts of good stuff for you. I'm generally, happier, more focused, and more talkative when I take it. It just makes me better at whatever I'm doing. So that's something I did because I felt like I wasn't as focused as I could be. You can always help your brain chemistry out with natural supplements, I think.
As far as the Sex Magnet effects being augmented., I'm not sure. I haven't been all that sexual this past week or so that I've been on these new programs. Of course I've still got the lingering effects of women pursuing me and me being very flirty. I don't expect that to really ever go away, but I haven't been going out lately. I have one girl I've been seeing casually. I do remember that I tend to pursue a little bit more whenever I'm hitting the ASC really hard and I'm starting to feel that more and more every day, but I've put my sex maniac ways away for the time being. Lately I've been more interested in hardcore exercise and I'm making leaps and bounds with that, but that's really where my focus has been lately. I've been happier, though. ASC seems to do that to me for some reason, lol. Another thing that I have noticed is that lately women in their mid 20's have been really annoying to me. Not annoying like "Get the hell away from me" annoying, but more like "I could never date you." annoying. Younger women(18-21) and older women (27-35) seem much more attractive to me lately. They're just way more comfortable with themselves. There's something about the mid 20's that makes women super neurotic. They say that while men have a mid-life crisis, women have a quarter life crisis and I see the truth in that statement, lol.
Anyway, I've been feeling damn good lately.

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