01-15-2017, 08:11 AM
Had a few realizations these past few days. First one I'm gonna start with is the whole being alpha thing for me. I thought using this subliminal I'd start being more dominant and having that don't mess with me vibe. But I realized it's so much better to just go about your business and just not even give off that kind of vibe in the first place. When I had really bad social anxiety as a teenager my main coping mechanism was aggression. It sucked, it was like being intensely paranoid of who was going to screw me over or who I might have to fight. I never want to be in that state again. First of all most people would assume if you give off a dominant vibe nobody would mess with you right? Not so, insecure guys who are intimidated by that vibe will start giving you crap and who really wants that? I'd rather someone think I'm weak or beta or whatever they call it and not even register with them. I'm really starting to not care what other people think about me and that's pretty much dropped my whole need to be perceived as dominant. As long as I can stand up for myself when I need to, that's all I really need. Everything else is just a waste of time and energy.
Second realization. There's a lot of pressure for guys to either date or have sex with really attractive girls. I'm gonna sound really judgemental here, but before running this sub I had an aversion to possibly dating girls that I considered not so attractive. I mean yeah to some degree you have to be sexually attracted to them, but my standards were way too high. I don't know what it is, but it's probably some issue with my own attractiveness. Being hyper critical of their appearance as I am to my own. But also partially some kind of messed up social conditioning or upbringing that made me self conscious about dating someone who wasn't super attractive. Stupid stuff, just all related to insecurities surrounding myself. And now that it's fading all away I'm feeling more human if that makes any sense. Instead of this perfect idealized image I've been trying to uphold for years and dealing with a ton of anxiety from it.
Second realization. There's a lot of pressure for guys to either date or have sex with really attractive girls. I'm gonna sound really judgemental here, but before running this sub I had an aversion to possibly dating girls that I considered not so attractive. I mean yeah to some degree you have to be sexually attracted to them, but my standards were way too high. I don't know what it is, but it's probably some issue with my own attractiveness. Being hyper critical of their appearance as I am to my own. But also partially some kind of messed up social conditioning or upbringing that made me self conscious about dating someone who wasn't super attractive. Stupid stuff, just all related to insecurities surrounding myself. And now that it's fading all away I'm feeling more human if that makes any sense. Instead of this perfect idealized image I've been trying to uphold for years and dealing with a ton of anxiety from it.