01-10-2017, 10:19 AM
(01-10-2017, 08:19 AM)Shannon Wrote: Why do you have expectations?
Everyone approaches body language learning backwards. They read the books and then assume too much from too little.
Body language is telling you what her subconscious is thinking... not necessarily her conscious mind.
So when you read that a foot display is an IOI, and you see a foot display, great. But don't think that's going to mean she's ready to be impregnated! It means she is giving you ONE body language signal that MAY be an indicator of interest.
Body language is best understood, especially in the beginning, by considering the "conversation", not the "words". If a woman say a word to you, are you really sure what she meant? Of course not. But when she strings enough of those words together to form a sentence, and especially if she repeats that sentence, you know what she meant and is trying to communicate.
Therefore, consider a series of body language signals that are thematically related to be valid as a means for understanding what her subconscious is thinking if you see 3 or more of them, and they are given in a relatively short period of time.
For instance, if she crosses her legs too high, gives a foot presentation, and puts her hands between her legs, it probably (only two potentially thematic arousal indicators) means she is aroused sexually, but you can't be sure who it is directed at because you only have one indicator suggesting who.
But, if she can't stop staring, is giving you a seated butt presentation for minutes on end, flips her hair at you multiple times, gives you neck exposures, gets up and spreads her legs wide at you and holds it for a few seconds while looking you in the eye while doing it, and licks her lips... you can be pretty damned sure she's hot to trot, and it's you she wants to trot her hot.
But all this does not change the limits society places on her. You still can't walk over in most cases, even if you get all those CFM signals, and say "Hey, wanna ****?" and get anywhere. You still have to approach in a more appropriate way for her to be able to respond comfortably in most cases.
You need to let go of expectations and let go of self limitation. It opens up your options, and you'll find it surprising what happens.
Again, wrong use of word from my side. I should not have said "wrong expectation", but rather, possible false reading and exaggerated interpretation. It's not like I was having an expectation. I chose a wrong word as I couldn't remember the word interpretation or reading for some reason.
Am I limiting myself? Perhaps, but I'd prefer to play safe this time than have false reading/interpretation, especially since what happened.
Besides, shouldn't the program push the women to give me more obvious indicators than body languages, since body languages are not that of an obvious sign to me? (Especially given my ASD symptoms. I'm not too terrible, but I'd say that I probably have some shortcoming in the interpretation part.)