01-02-2017, 04:06 PM
No I wouldn't suggest that and neither would Shannon, as all that will get people coming back and going "oh that didn't work" where it would have if they followed the instructions.
The reduced effects isn't a 'potential' risk at all, it's a definite risk. The instructions are there for a reason as Shannon has tested all of this. We don't need people coming and suggesting to go against the instructions as then that comes back to us with people whinging "oh it doesn't work" and wanting a refund because they didn't follow the instructions.
The reduced effects isn't a 'potential' risk at all, it's a definite risk. The instructions are there for a reason as Shannon has tested all of this. We don't need people coming and suggesting to go against the instructions as then that comes back to us with people whinging "oh it doesn't work" and wanting a refund because they didn't follow the instructions.