12-12-2016, 01:45 PM
i tend to find the good in all religions, take it and adopt it, and do away with that which i don't identify with.
if you notice in the bible, "God" has seemingly two different characters. one is extremely benevolent, and the other is brim and hellfire. That makes me wonder if something was lost (or hidden) in translation? Something which we need to give room for error.
There's this book, a couple members of the forum suggested it to me. It's called Kybalion. According to this book, the information taught by the followers of The Path have been duplicated by others and taught by a different name. That being so, some of the concepts are not entirely new to me. But there are yet other concepts in the book which are novel and really strike a "WHOA" chord within me. It's like THE key that opens up a new world at our hands. I mention this because Sarge suggested that video about fallen angels, which the book refers to very briefly.
as far as any of the conspiracy theory videos, a lot of it is a waste of time and waste of mental resources. i was open minded enough to try to give the flat earth theory a shot, but i felt stupid trying to rationalize that the world really might be flat. my rational mind (which is far less rational than most!) couldn't comprehend it, so if I can't comprehend it, how the hell can anyone else be on the bandwagon!?
i agree with this wholeheartedly and have been guilty of it myself. It is not until I am WILLING to set aside WHATEVER idea i may hold dear to me, and at least APPROACH a new concept with an open mind that i am able to grow and learn. Otherwise, defending and justifying my belief system without just cause is plain.... well, ignorance. It's why it's important to keep the mindset of being willing to be wrong, even when i know i am probably right. also helps keep the ego in check too
if you notice in the bible, "God" has seemingly two different characters. one is extremely benevolent, and the other is brim and hellfire. That makes me wonder if something was lost (or hidden) in translation? Something which we need to give room for error.
There's this book, a couple members of the forum suggested it to me. It's called Kybalion. According to this book, the information taught by the followers of The Path have been duplicated by others and taught by a different name. That being so, some of the concepts are not entirely new to me. But there are yet other concepts in the book which are novel and really strike a "WHOA" chord within me. It's like THE key that opens up a new world at our hands. I mention this because Sarge suggested that video about fallen angels, which the book refers to very briefly.
as far as any of the conspiracy theory videos, a lot of it is a waste of time and waste of mental resources. i was open minded enough to try to give the flat earth theory a shot, but i felt stupid trying to rationalize that the world really might be flat. my rational mind (which is far less rational than most!) couldn't comprehend it, so if I can't comprehend it, how the hell can anyone else be on the bandwagon!?
Quote:People go to great lengths to justify their belief system especially if it revolves around salvation. In the end, only you can save yourself.
i agree with this wholeheartedly and have been guilty of it myself. It is not until I am WILLING to set aside WHATEVER idea i may hold dear to me, and at least APPROACH a new concept with an open mind that i am able to grow and learn. Otherwise, defending and justifying my belief system without just cause is plain.... well, ignorance. It's why it's important to keep the mindset of being willing to be wrong, even when i know i am probably right. also helps keep the ego in check too