Here's some feedback which I feel links to the energy sourcing, can't make sense of it but here goes.
Since I've started v3, I've had trouble sleeping...
So last night I got in bed at 1am, started my 3 loops ultrasonic on speakers then ended waking up at 5am, I woke with the same level of energy I would have after showering and downing a coffee. (SO F*KING ALIVE & HUNGRY?!)
When I started my loops I was really really tired but as the first 20 minutes pass, my tiredness all vanishes but nonetheless I somehow manage to fall asleep..
It's all good but then as the day will pass I'd feel tired again so I take like a 1-2 hour nap which feels equivalent to sleeping for 8 hours then I'm back to sleeping late and waking up early.
I know and can feel weirdly enough, that the sub is utilizing non physical energy sources at times, I physically feel my energy levels rising but I won't feel hungry and at other times I feel hungry and weak.
It's on and off, the core issue is with my sleep, never have I been able to function with this many hours of sleep. I can't even explain what's going on.
I can be tired and not tired at the same time, if that makes sense?
Apart from the energy related issue, noticed some crazy good things today when I went out after being homebound for like a week, I keep notes to myself on what internal/external changes take place as a personal journal, even with the clearing/healing taking place v3 is the sh*t =D .. I'll be making a post on what I've noticed.
Here's some feedback which I feel links to the energy sourcing, can't make sense of it but here goes.
Since I've started v3, I've had trouble sleeping...
So last night I got in bed at 1am, started my 3 loops ultrasonic on speakers then ended waking up at 5am, I woke with the same level of energy I would have after showering and downing a coffee. (SO F*KING ALIVE & HUNGRY?!)
When I started my loops I was really really tired but as the first 20 minutes pass, my tiredness all vanishes but nonetheless I somehow manage to fall asleep..
It's all good but then as the day will pass I'd feel tired again so I take like a 1-2 hour nap which feels equivalent to sleeping for 8 hours then I'm back to sleeping late and waking up early.
I know and can feel weirdly enough, that the sub is utilizing non physical energy sources at times, I physically feel my energy levels rising but I won't feel hungry and at other times I feel hungry and weak.
It's on and off, the core issue is with my sleep, never have I been able to function with this many hours of sleep. I can't even explain what's going on.
I can be tired and not tired at the same time, if that makes sense?
Apart from the energy related issue, noticed some crazy good things today when I went out after being homebound for like a week, I keep notes to myself on what internal/external changes take place as a personal journal, even with the clearing/healing taking place v3 is the sh*t =D .. I'll be making a post on what I've noticed.