Hey Shannon I know you said you were going to do some upgrades to the forum in the future for the database errors but have you thought about using cloudflare? Even their free plan has caching with instant purging so it will greatly reduce the usages of resources on your site and is pretty quick to setup.
Explanation from Andrew -
Explanation from Andrew -
Quote:Short explanation will have to do right now - my day is a little chaotic.
Basically, DLUSA's computer, browser, internet... whatever it may be is bugged. We will be reaching out to him about possible details so he can fix it. It is constantly reconnecting to whatever page he is on. I will be modding the server throughout the day to impose a limit to how many times a visitor can contact the server before getting rejected from the server completely for -probably 20 minutes or so is what I'm thinking. So if DLUSA is unable to fix his computer/internet issue he will largely be unable to use the forum until it is fixed.
It has nothing to do with his name and he will not be asked to change it. His name has, as some people have mentioned, virtually zero impact to search engines and robots.
Any notion that he is doing this on purpose is pure speculation and there is no evidence at all at this time to support that.
All subjects like this need to be in the Website suggestions forum, and every mention of the topic in this journal will be moved into a new thread by either myself or Ben. This is NOT the area to be posting about problems with the store or journal as I do not read this thread and future problems posted here will be moved.