11-23-2016, 02:45 PM
Quote:" He" is not trolling.
"He" may have aspergers and if that's the case, "he" may have to be sexless his entire life because of some stupid miscommunication issue that "he" has no control over.
I also don't appreciate being assumed I'm a troll CO stantly when I have real concerns. That's just ignorant and disrespectful.
Furthermore, if Shannon isn't willing to make the sub work with a person's flaw (my reason for making the suggestion) then perhaps he should step up the socializing aspect of his subs, because after however many years I've been doing them I have nothing to show for it yet in that area.
Clearly something is missing in the programs.
Sorry Sarge, I actually meant Risingson with these suggestions hes been making for DMSI along with what he wrote in the other thread.
Didn't even think that it had quoted what you wrote too.