10-31-2016, 07:59 AM
(10-30-2016, 09:45 PM)sw72hw Wrote: @SargeMaximus
One thing that may be different from your brother and my neighbors is that I don't really have any interactions. Since the grad school is in the evening (like 5 to 8) my schedule is a bit weird that I wake up at around noon, and go to bed at between 3~4 AM. Because of this, and because I mostly do my school work at my home (I tried going cafe, and library, and it was too distracting to me that I can't really do it.) that I don't really have that much interaction going on. I have only seen my bedroom side neighbor once, and I have only seen my living room side neighbor about 3~5 times during 1 year and 3 months of staying here. So I doubt their behavior is not really based off from my action or my radiating aura. (Unless the aura can penetrate the wall)
Rather, if there is something going on I believe it may be that they are somehow able to listen to my sub (highly doubt it for my living room side neighbor), and it is somehow turning them to have more sex.
Anyway, I'll need more data with the neighbor to conclude that they were having more sex. Who knows, it could just be a coincidence.
Interesting. It could also be that their relationship has gotten more passionate so they feel like having more sex now.
It could also be (and I've noticed this myself) that you are noticing sex more than before. Therefore the sub is changing what you normally focus on, which is a good sign.
(10-30-2016, 10:28 PM)sw72hw Wrote: So no sex last night, or at least I didn't get to hear any of them enjoying.
Today though, I am for some reason very low energy, especially mental energy being very low. This is bad as I haven't even gotten my paper proposal started (although I have my ideas put together already), and I couldn't get 25% of what I wanted to do. (Since there is an exam, I planned on skipping or skimming the reading for tomorrow, while finishing most of the review of the exam, so that I can see the professor during the office hour to ask some questions.)
I feel even light headed that concentration or thinking, or even understanding materials has been challenging throughout the entire day. This is very bad, and if it doesn't get better soon, I may have to drop DMSI entirely. (I didn't have this much issue with DMSI before, but I suppose previous two versions might have had issues with the loops, and I was probably more irregular with listening patterns.) I need mental energy focus, and can't let sex or any other stuff to take that away for an extended period of time.
I know this seems bad but it's honestly a good sign.
Since embracing my own laziness things have gotten much better for me external-wise.
HOWEVER, I'm not in school, so I agree with your decision that if it continues you should drop DMSI.
Just know that this effect is a sign that you are getting closer to the goals of the program.
(10-30-2016, 10:28 PM)sw72hw Wrote: Nothing else happened today, but there are a few things I realized can be of interesting.
1. Babies. Nothing has changed with babies. Whenever I go out, and whenever I see a baby on stroller, about 90% of the time, the baby is staring at me. Heck, I even see the baby turning his/her face when I move away from the baby.
2. Dogs. Reflecting back, I also find that dogs have become more friendly/curious towards me. I notice that they sniff at me more, come closer to me to a point that the owner has to pull them away to keep the dog away from me.
This Friday, basically pretty much after I spotted the loop issue, I had a more extreme version of dog coming at me. In the morning, I was seeing one of my coaches at the lobby at my place. After a while, a person with a dog walked in, and the dog was walking rather very energetically and enthusiastically towards me and the owner had to pull the dog away. (BTW the location I was was somewhat close to the entrance, but not that close.) After a while, I had another same incident, and this time, the owner was being dragged a little bit. Since I didn't pay much attention, I suppose it could have been the same dog, and the same person, but it could have been a different one. Anyway, the dog(s) could have been the friendly one(s), but their enthusiasm and coming to me was a bit too much to say it was natural. It can be nothing but I just wanted to share.
I haven't noticed anything with babies, nor do I have any theories on that. BUT, dogs. yes dogs like me a lot too. And this is, of course, a good sign.
(10-30-2016, 10:28 PM)sw72hw Wrote: 3. Female concierges. One girl concierge is being kind. So in that same morning, I overheard the concierge talking to a maintenance guy, with a little mocking/joking tone about how somebody put a request to change a battery in the fire alarm, and how people (tenants) don't know anything. And since I had an issue with a fire alarm in the previous night (Thursday), I had to ask them to change it, as I couldn't reach the fire alarm. (I needed a bigger ladder, and they didn't have one at the moment.) Because I overheard the talk, I went there to request the fixing order, and also decided to add a little explanation that how I was going to change it, but I couldn't reach it. And the concierge was like "you don't have to worry about that, we'll take care of it." It could have been a just courtesy stuff, but it felt that there was something there almost as if she didn't want to offend me, or make me feel assure that it is okay to ask. Anyway, it definitely seemed different from the way she was describing the tenants to the maintenance guy to the way she was saying to me. Sooo, I thought this may be interesting to report.
On the other hand, the other concierge, who is old, but hot, and looking young (she's like 50, but can trick that she's in late 20s or early 30s) is rather treating me like I don't exist. When I approach her, she's friendly, but has become a bit colder than past. Past was warmer, and very friendly towards me, but now feels rather indifferent, but still friendly. Weird.
And both of them, I met them around the same time, and it was probably when I began with DMSI or shortly before that.
They are both quite friendly toward people in general as far as I know of, so I find the difference, or the development of difference is rather interesting.
Good signs with the women. The younger one was probably just being polite like you say, the older one however, the change in attitude is indicative of a change for sure. We'll need more interactions with other women before we understand what exactly. There's always the chance she was just having a bad day that day.
(10-30-2016, 10:28 PM)sw72hw Wrote: 4. Students/others...... No difference, or nothing really different about them at all. I'm pretty much indifferent/non-existent. (Except professors)
This is preliminary report I observed, and I will be reporting more, if anything develops further. And I hope I am making sense, as my mental power is low, and my head isn't functioning that well.
Again, I know you don't think so, but your head not functioning well is a good sign. I had the same transition when I started AM 6 for the first time (that program makes you more present). It'll pass, just grow with it.
Think of it as making a switch from head (thinking) focused to heart (emotion) focused.