10-27-2016, 04:26 PM
I should just change this journal title from feel good saga to feel like crap because my run has been just that. I've had things come up left and right, things I thought I was over with. Even though I've made strides and I probably should've kept a journal daily, for sone reason I feel like I should run this sub for 6 months but the emotional things that are coming up are just too much. It's like learning how to swim, I feel like I've been tossed deep into the ocean and now I have to push myself to the surface. It's tough because the closer I get to achieving the goals of ephra I feel like something keeps holding me down. I know that I have to keep swimming up because that's my only hope but in the back of my hand in thinking that this is hopeless. The annoying thing is as soon as I feel like I've reached my comfortable place then more things come up. Sometimes the things that I thought I overcame come back to haunt me. It's like overcoming a fear and having that fear come back again worse than ever or lingering. Anyways I'm going to try my best to do a journal everyday but I've been kinda depressed and not motivated to do anything. I know this is just a phase and hopefully it passes after the 90 day mark.