10-25-2016, 09:45 AM
Quote:It would seem that I'm in a rather perfect storm of circumstances that prevent me from being productive right now. Between a rock and a hard place if you will. Damned if I do, and damned if I don't. I've been ready to come back for some days now but for this. I seriously have wondered if I'm dreaming this once or twice.
But Regardless of what is now, it will end soon. Not soon enough - but soon.
Since I am in this position, I have accomplished very little concerning subs. The ideas list for DMSI grows longer still, and the new compression methods for Beast 9 have not yet been fully implemented, but have proven their worth.
Currently I'm expecting to work on 3.0 during November.
Very impressed with the results of testing Beast 8 so far.
Alongside me, you will all have to be patient right now. I'm going to try to lessen the amount of time this takes, but it is not yet certain how things will go.
By the way... part of the reason 2.5 was released was to show you just what the clearing in 2.4 was doing for you. Pay attention to this.
well hopefully 3.0 will be ready by Christmas.
Also I don't get why you released 2.5 to show what 2.4 healing did considering 2.3 didn't have healing and u released 2.4 with healing to show us the difference from 2.3.