07-28-2011, 02:50 PM
I'm now about 4 or so days in to the 4th stage of Sex Magnet and things have leveled off quite a bit from my ups and downs. I'm feeling pretty good and life is looking very bright. I have been going out a lot lately and socializing as well. I'm trying to make some new friends. Things are going pretty well. The effects of this sub are subtle and somewhat hard to notice, but I have noticed that women just feel very comfortable and flirty around me. That is slowly increasing. Women have also been very touchy with me. I've also noticed that while my standards have been increasing, I've also been attracting more high quality women in my life, not that I ever really go far in to detail in to that sort of thing, but I feel like I have a lot of options right now and I'm really not attached to any particular outcomes. I'm attracting classier, more sophisticated women who have a great sense of humor and emotional stability. That's the kind of women I want in my life because I could stay on the level of getting with the girls that have the minds of teenage girls for the rest of my life, but that's not what I want and I am never going to grow as a person if I continue that behavior. My self control around beautiful women has substantially increased as well, now that I think about it. I'm still having strange dreams that are sexual on some level, but not really any discernible level. However, I will wake up and feel as if something has been "worked out" sometimes. All in all, I'm just more motivated lately and I feel more solid as a man. It is nearly impossible at this point for any women to get to me or embarrass me and believe me, they do try. I get tested like nobodies business and I love it, because that's a great way for me to test them by judging how legitimate and funny their tests are. How's that for a re-frame? I didn't even realize I do that until I was sitting here typing just now. We'll see what else stage 4 has in store. This week and the next one should be very good weeks for me. I have some fun times planned.

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