yeah you are right sarge
short update motivation is growing after the first tiredness pass 5.5 g is no joke
i use mstack from animal it has the red energy pill with koala nut extract for energy its good
and yes nictoin is lessening the effect shanon was right
men are a little insecure girls too but i can clearly see their attraction growing it just needs more time and adjustment also i am much more confident and outgoing autopilot is doing its work in letting me doing things that show that i am alpha and not scared
this sub is more powerfull than all multistages 5.5 g really makes a difference
i will test this sub long term this sub switching i see in most users are wrong and fucks up the brain an results
this subs feels like the feeling i get when i studied pua stuff for hours its a feeling like yeah i will get their and everything is in control really good feeling didnt had it on other subs so far
girls from my neighbourhood look and act very interested in me asking me questions guys are more direct and say "you look fresh man" girls that rejected me looked shocked like "wtf how could i reject such a sexy motherfucker "
my need to dress better improved got a new haircut also care more about my body and hygiene just like am6
motivation to change life for the better is there
other popular alpha guys want to keep up with my sexiness but they cant because my sexiness is in 5.5 g
short update motivation is growing after the first tiredness pass 5.5 g is no joke
i use mstack from animal it has the red energy pill with koala nut extract for energy its good
and yes nictoin is lessening the effect shanon was right
men are a little insecure girls too but i can clearly see their attraction growing it just needs more time and adjustment also i am much more confident and outgoing autopilot is doing its work in letting me doing things that show that i am alpha and not scared
this sub is more powerfull than all multistages 5.5 g really makes a difference
i will test this sub long term this sub switching i see in most users are wrong and fucks up the brain an results
this subs feels like the feeling i get when i studied pua stuff for hours its a feeling like yeah i will get their and everything is in control really good feeling didnt had it on other subs so far
girls from my neighbourhood look and act very interested in me asking me questions guys are more direct and say "you look fresh man" girls that rejected me looked shocked like "wtf how could i reject such a sexy motherfucker "
my need to dress better improved got a new haircut also care more about my body and hygiene just like am6
motivation to change life for the better is there
other popular alpha guys want to keep up with my sexiness but they cant because my sexiness is in 5.5 g