Had a dream I runned DMSI which resonates on a very deep level and that it derailed my AM run.
Met up with some people and it shows that it is getting less satisfying, as in, it is wearing me down. Its no longer supporting and I desire to have a betetr, more supportive social circle who doesnt lock themselves away from their sexuality.The contrast was obvious. Felt the negativity and weird vibe in the air like some thick energy. Therre is a reason I have 4 potential leads and they have none. They were just weirding out the room and I am very short fused on that.
Felt incredibly sexy. my seduction goes way deeper then it ever has been. Realized I am actually dmoninant, its already here, but for some reason I seem to have a slight hold back on it, like a cover up front.
Touch is natural, shift took place, like, on a more deeper clicking level.
Embrace conflict and escalate, the other option is failing anyways. When shit goes down, let it go down, embrace the tension.
Met up with some people and it shows that it is getting less satisfying, as in, it is wearing me down. Its no longer supporting and I desire to have a betetr, more supportive social circle who doesnt lock themselves away from their sexuality.The contrast was obvious. Felt the negativity and weird vibe in the air like some thick energy. Therre is a reason I have 4 potential leads and they have none. They were just weirding out the room and I am very short fused on that.
Felt incredibly sexy. my seduction goes way deeper then it ever has been. Realized I am actually dmoninant, its already here, but for some reason I seem to have a slight hold back on it, like a cover up front.
Touch is natural, shift took place, like, on a more deeper clicking level.
Embrace conflict and escalate, the other option is failing anyways. When shit goes down, let it go down, embrace the tension.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus