Ultimate Writer or US + UM + LM + EIP!!!!
Terrible resistance tonight on v2.3. Not the depressive kind. The angry kind. Heard someone say something absolutely ridiculous, entitled and rude to a group of people minding their business and I totally snapped, took everything not to pound his face in. Now it's got me in that "why am I running this?" mood. Wanna go to BASE 4g and UM.
But, I'm gonna suck it up, run v2.3 for 32 days as promised.
Terrible resistance tonight on v2.3. Not the depressive kind. The angry kind. Heard someone say something absolutely ridiculous, entitled and rude to a group of people minding their business and I totally snapped, took everything not to pound his face in. Now it's got me in that "why am I running this?" mood. Wanna go to BASE 4g and UM.
But, I'm gonna suck it up, run v2.3 for 32 days as promised.