08-13-2016, 02:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2016, 02:18 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
part of Shannon's response back to me and the forum peeep's.
I'm currently planning to build in 6G the following subs:
Breast Enlargement
Breast Reduction
Pregnancy Aid
Improve Eyesight
Improve Hearing
I'm sure there are other I can't remember, it's going to be a lot of them. But of course this will take a long time.
Keith's response and questions:
Is BAMM going to be THE FIRST THING RIGHT OFF da BAT AFTER the ASC build in 6G? or is the list not nessasaraly in this strict order of build?
BAMM currently is a `12 stage program as you well know,however with ALL THE NEW BELLS & WHISTLE'S,TOP SECRET new technology such as P4,SATT,da' BEAST 7,and more...will BAMM still be a 12 stage set ,Shannon, or do you think it maybe 'become' a 6 stage set or even a 3 stage set with a 4th refresher,thrown in for extra effect,fortification and good measure,alike?
It seems the technology can condense much of program ,WPM,ect,magnify,amplify the effects/results as well as the manifestation parts of the program,in this case,BAMM.
IN short damn sam you've out done yerself to infinity with this stuff...to say its impressive would be the most stated undertatement of this century thus far. Im running outta word to express the hope,light and exuberance this brings and give's me and Im shure many other and no doubt will give them also!! 8/13/16
I'm currently planning to build in 6G the following subs:
Breast Enlargement
Breast Reduction
Pregnancy Aid
Improve Eyesight
Improve Hearing
I'm sure there are other I can't remember, it's going to be a lot of them. But of course this will take a long time.
Keith's response and questions:
Is BAMM going to be THE FIRST THING RIGHT OFF da BAT AFTER the ASC build in 6G? or is the list not nessasaraly in this strict order of build?
BAMM currently is a `12 stage program as you well know,however with ALL THE NEW BELLS & WHISTLE'S,TOP SECRET new technology such as P4,SATT,da' BEAST 7,and more...will BAMM still be a 12 stage set ,Shannon, or do you think it maybe 'become' a 6 stage set or even a 3 stage set with a 4th refresher,thrown in for extra effect,fortification and good measure,alike?
It seems the technology can condense much of program ,WPM,ect,magnify,amplify the effects/results as well as the manifestation parts of the program,in this case,BAMM.
IN short damn sam you've out done yerself to infinity with this stuff...to say its impressive would be the most stated undertatement of this century thus far. Im running outta word to express the hope,light and exuberance this brings and give's me and Im shure many other and no doubt will give them also!! 8/13/16
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er.""Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"