08-08-2016, 11:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2016, 12:52 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
Its Interesting coz HeavySM Nailed it Man, and its interesting,THAT... back in 2010 and thereafter even up until late 2013,I would tell Shannon,as we connected( NOT revealing how we did that ,Top secret as far as IM concerned) back then on a semi -regular basis,we communicated a fair amount and I remember as early on as 2010 saying to Shannon,that the day and time will come when, these conversations,topics an subjects that we cover and the time to do, will be few and far between,as the Biz grows and more and more development happens with the Subs.
I Knew back then as heavySM fore see's now,that the time and energy Shannon has now, that is that the time he makes for answering such, will become few and far between in the future,even more so than back then.
I Knew to treasure those special times,we shared in light of subliminal-shop and all things related. and lo and behold here it is happening ,now. Im still amazed that he even has time to answer ,damn near ANY QUESTION at all ,with as much as he has to do and the work load there of...with even more stuff to come,to evolve down the road. new discoveries,techniquies,technolgies and related. its overwhelming to look at from the outside looking in. lets appreciate Shannon and his work more and that more often. were he not here we'd not all be benefiting as much as we do and have. E2 is still kicking asses and taking names. As Bill Paxton in "Tombstone" the movie said" Damn this Berg is Hoppin!"
HeavySM's word:
I think as the site grows, he (Shannon) won't be able to answer every question people ask. It makes sense that there would probably be a system where moderators filter the questions, answer the redundant ones, and then pass pertinent questions on to Shannon to be answered by a priority basis.
Watch, years from now this forum will have transformed and Shannon will be away developing new stuff and / or be away enjoying his money (and rightfully so!) while his staff field the questions here.
There would be rumors spreading that he used to answer member questions here, and you'll see responses like..."Yeah, that's hard to believe" or, "NO WAY!?"
Then, and perhaps only then, the older members will truly appreciate his yoda-like wisdom filled responses and feel nostalgia for these years.
Actually, with the amount that he's able to respond to comments here it's kind of unbelievable that he's still able to produce new tech and more subs. I mean, you can only do so much on 10 - 12 hours of consistent daily productivity.
It's a bit unreal if you think about it.
Its Interesting coz HeavySM Nailed it Man, and its interesting,THAT... back in 2010 and thereafter even up until late 2013,I would tell Shannon,as we connected( NOT revealing how we did that ,Top secret as far as IM concerned) back then on a semi -regular basis,we communicated a fair amount and I remember as early on as 2010 saying to Shannon,that the day and time will come when, these conversations,topics an subjects that we cover and the time to do, will be few and far between,as the Biz grows and more and more development happens with the Subs.
I Knew back then as heavySM fore see's now,that the time and energy Shannon has now, that is that the time he makes for answering such, will become few and far between in the future,even more so than back then.
I Knew to treasure those special times,we shared in light of subliminal-shop and all things related. and lo and behold here it is happening ,now. Im still amazed that he even has time to answer ,damn near ANY QUESTION at all ,with as much as he has to do and the work load there of...with even more stuff to come,to evolve down the road. new discoveries,techniquies,technolgies and related. its overwhelming to look at from the outside looking in. lets appreciate Shannon and his work more and that more often. were he not here we'd not all be benefiting as much as we do and have. E2 is still kicking asses and taking names. As Bill Paxton in "Tombstone" the movie said" Damn this Berg is Hoppin!"
HeavySM's word:
I think as the site grows, he (Shannon) won't be able to answer every question people ask. It makes sense that there would probably be a system where moderators filter the questions, answer the redundant ones, and then pass pertinent questions on to Shannon to be answered by a priority basis.
Watch, years from now this forum will have transformed and Shannon will be away developing new stuff and / or be away enjoying his money (and rightfully so!) while his staff field the questions here.
There would be rumors spreading that he used to answer member questions here, and you'll see responses like..."Yeah, that's hard to believe" or, "NO WAY!?"
Then, and perhaps only then, the older members will truly appreciate his yoda-like wisdom filled responses and feel nostalgia for these years.
Actually, with the amount that he's able to respond to comments here it's kind of unbelievable that he's still able to produce new tech and more subs. I mean, you can only do so much on 10 - 12 hours of consistent daily productivity.
It's a bit unreal if you think about it.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"