08-06-2016, 12:43 AM
Ordering to EU from powdercity is about $10 per item ($21.50 shipment for 2 items). I don't mind the vile taste as long as it's for a greater cause. The low EPA/DHA fish oil caps aren't very healthy due to their low purity and the higher EPA/DHA cost quite a bit more.
A decent jar of B complex https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/...L1500_.jpg is $14.50 (this is with folate not folic acid).
The most expensive part of this stack seems to be omega 3. I did find some cheap ones, but they are a little fishy (low quality is very risky especially if you need high amounts of epa/dha per day). High purity ones seem like the best bet, they cost like 3x more though. 35$ for a 45 day supply.
A decent jar of B complex https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/...L1500_.jpg is $14.50 (this is with folate not folic acid).
The most expensive part of this stack seems to be omega 3. I did find some cheap ones, but they are a little fishy (low quality is very risky especially if you need high amounts of epa/dha per day). High purity ones seem like the best bet, they cost like 3x more though. 35$ for a 45 day supply.